MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It seems like the baby of MovieChat and ...

It seems like the baby of MovieChat and IMDBv2.0 would be the closet thing to IMDB

MovieChat has the individual movie boards we crave, and IMDB 2.0 has the massive userbase and main boards.

Now we just gotta get them into the same room so they can fuck, lol.


MovieChat can eventually get some of IMDBv2's features, like separate general forums and an upgraded look. And MovieChat will have a permanent leg up in one crucial area, and that's the archived threads.

IMDBv2 does have lots more people. Do you know when that board was created? It both has lots of registered users, but also lots of areas with little to no activity.


I also think these two boards may fill the IMDb hole. IMDB2 complements MovieChat and vice versa.


Much love to whoever made this site! It looks good although I can't help but wonder if it will catch on.


Just unliked the IMDb Facebook account when I found the boards gone and a message saying go here. Thank you for saving the old posts.


IMDb v2.0 seems a bit rubbish to me. If MC had better publicity leading up to the death of IMDb it would have almost certainly replaced it overnight. The question is how to raise awareness about it.


I guess just reach out to the users on Facebook IMDb. Tell them the old boards are here.
