MovieChat Forums > Classic TV: The 90s > Magazines you read during the 1990s?

Magazines you read during the 1990s?

What magazines did you read during the 1990s?

Sorry for having so many threads on this board. But this board is dead! This thread might bring a little life back into it.

I sadly didn't read many magazines in the 1990s (my parents had limited cash).

Have you played Atari today?


Jets isn't ringing a bell,

Lmao, I'm terribly sorry. There was a typo. I meant "Jet magazine".  That was a response to blaque108.

boy do I remember those Weekly Readers! Those were the days, man. I remember one I got in sixth grade (I think) that had an article about Superman's powers and costume undergoing a huge change, and knew I just had to check that out! It was what got me started buying new issues, as opposed to just going for old ones at yard sales.

I remember one issue in particular from Weekly Reader that featured Ryan White's story. He was the kid that died from AIDS in 1990.

Simply me.
