MovieChat Forums > Electronic, Techno & Dance > Looking for music like Boards of Canada ...

Looking for music like Boards of Canada without the hip-hop beats.

I enjoy BoC for the most part, but lot of their music has an annoying hip-hop backbeat to it that I do not like. Are there any bands like BoC without this hip-hop beat?


Might be able to help if you're still interested!?


I certainly am! What are your suggestions? Thanks for responding.


No prob. I'll offer some suggestions except I'm not entirely sure what exactly you are hoping to find. It seems like the sound you are after is something like electronic or synthesised ambient music?

I'll throw out a few ideas anyway.

I won't assume anything but I suspect you are already familiar with some of the prominent names that would come to mind; Jon Hopkins, Aphex Twin, Four Tet etc.

Here are a few others anyway (in no order):
Loscil (try the album 'Plume'. Personally, I love 'Submers')
Ryuichi Sakamoto (does a whole lot of stuff, maybe try album 'async')
Pyur (try track 'Epoch Sinus I')
Zomby (a bit is percussion based, but some isn't)
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith
Hannah Peel ('journey to Cassiopeia' album)

And maybe worth a quick listen:
Colin Stetson (I believe he just records himself playing sax with a load of mics placed around him at different angles and then adds bits around it during production!)

I hope you get something out of this & if you get through even a fraction of it, I would look forward to hearing what you think!



So did you find anything worthwhile?
