Golden Boy whada ya think?

I'm recommending this to anyone that likes detective shows. It really has a lot of potential regarding how it's all going to pan out.
It also has a really differnt twist. One that I've never seen before. It starts off by saying this was the only person to go from cop to city police commissioner in 7 years. The first scene shows us a brief scene taken from 7 years after he started. Then it goes directly into "Today" which in actuality is 7 years ago. The story is being told from the beginning.
He's cocky, he's sincere, he's hot! Kinda puts me in mind of Harry Connick Jr.
Anyway, I really like this show. We were due for a good police show with some good lead characters. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen it and likes it as much as I do.


About 30 per cent of US / Canadian etc police crime progs are shown on terrestrial tv in UK...not including we have to put up with loads of adverts... I normally download the progs as they appear...Too expensive to subscribe to all different channels over here in UK
