Golden Boy whada ya think?

I'm recommending this to anyone that likes detective shows. It really has a lot of potential regarding how it's all going to pan out.
It also has a really differnt twist. One that I've never seen before. It starts off by saying this was the only person to go from cop to city police commissioner in 7 years. The first scene shows us a brief scene taken from 7 years after he started. Then it goes directly into "Today" which in actuality is 7 years ago. The story is being told from the beginning.
He's cocky, he's sincere, he's hot! Kinda puts me in mind of Harry Connick Jr.
Anyway, I really like this show. We were due for a good police show with some good lead characters. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen it and likes it as much as I do.


I have not. I have it recorded from episode 1 and soon will start watching it. Thanks for the recommendation. It needs more viewers to help it not be canceled.


I really hope it doesn't get cancelled cause I think there are so many ways it can go to hold interest. Let me know what you think once you've checked it out. Enjoy!(That's an order!:)


I like it...mainly for chi mcbride...not being shown in uk so have to dload it...will probably get cancelled after season one


Yes I like Chi Mcbride also. He really plays the "mentor" well.
Ohhhhhh don't say it will probably get cancelled!

Makes me wanna wring their necks. They really don't know what they are doing sometimes when they cancel shows!

This week's episode was really good (again, another good one).

I really like seeing that Latin guy get his, (he does play a good villain). But he could turn into a good character.

I mean how many times must our Golden Boy say his life in order for him to get learn his lesson?


How does our Golden Boy get injured...does chi die or retire...will this all be answered in one whole season?...and don't forget the dads story!!!!!


I wasn't aware that GB gets injured.
I THINK Chi dies, which GB has been eluding to. I could be wrong, but SOMETHING happens to him.
I hope not all in one season!

But I don't think unanswered questions keep them from cancelling shows.


If u watch the 7 seven years from now spiel you always see GB limping....what caused that?.. i am hoping chi retires with wife to florida but who knows...and there is still DAD... cant find any more show leak i may have said i live in UK so not shown here


Nice catch. I never picked up on him limping.

I hate to say it but don't think Chi retires.

I'm not looking forward to the "Dad" twist. I hope it's good, but I'm thinking it's not.

Not looking for spoilers. Like to watch it as it happens (for the most part).

It would be nice if it took seven years to show what happens.

I really like that twist they do with the present vs. the future. So unique. If it's not shown in UK, how do you watch it?
