My Reviews of Dexter

Okay so I've started watching the Showtime hit-TV Series Dexter (just as it ends!) and I thought it'd be cool to start writing reviews for the episodes as I go along and posting them here.


Season 1, Episode 7 – Circle of Friends

The Ice Truck killer has supposedly been identified as Neil Perry, a young computer analyst with a history of mental illness. This disappoints Dexter as he wanted the Ice Truck killer to be more than just a mental patient. He doesn't believe the confession either so all episode looks for reasons why Perry isn't the killer. Jeremy, the boy from Episode 3 who Dexter let go, has killed again and admits to Dexter that he feels nothing and wanted murder to change that but it hasn't. Meanwhile, Rita sticks up for herself and stands up to Paul. I thought this was good because it showed her confidence improving and her will to fight her past is showing which is down to her relationship with Dexter. At the end of the episode, Dexter speaks to Perry who asks him who he is, meaning he isn't the Ice Truck killer after all. 9/10
