My Reviews of Dexter

Okay so I've started watching the Showtime hit-TV Series Dexter (just as it ends!) and I thought it'd be cool to start writing reviews for the episodes as I go along and posting them here.


Season 1, Episode 1 – Dexter

Such an interesting pilot to a TV show! What makes this show so interesting is that Dexter Morgan is such a complicated, complex character that you just can't help but be drawn into the show! Dexter and his foster sister both work for the Miami Police Department. Debra, his sister, works in Vice while Dexter himself works in Blood Splatter Analysis. Throughout this episode and probably the series, there are flashbacks to Dexter's childhood where his foster dad – Harry Morgan, discovers his urge to kill which starts with animals and teaches him a 'code', to kill people that deserve it, never innocents. Dexter is revealed to have a girlfriend, who due to a past abusive relationship does not feel comfortable with sex, something that satisfies Dexter because sex confuses him. Meanwhile, a few killings have happened with no blood, which is odd as they are gruesome killings. This excites Dexter, I'd go as far to say as slightly arousing him. The killer is dubbed the 'Ice Truck Killer' and at the end of the episode he leaves a cut up doll in Dexter's fridge, which he sees as an invitation to 'play'. 10/10


Season 1, Episode 2 – Crocodile

Sadly, this episode wasn't even that interesting. A police officer is murdered so Dexter works on the case. Debra is promoted from Vice to Homicide and the Ice Truck killer has a chance to kill Dexter on a bridge, but Dexter fails to see who it was due to the high beam lights from the truck. At the end of the episode, five fingertips are found in an ice block, left from the Ice Truck killer. 7/10


Season 1, Episode 3 – Popping Cherry

Loved this episode! Had some really good bits in I thought and gave more insight into the character of Dexter. The Miami Police Department believe that a Security Guard is the Ice Truck killer and pursue him through the episode who of course turns out not to be the killer. Meanwhile, a teenage killer who was released from prison is looking to kill again, so Dexter watches him, preventing him from killing an innocent boy before eventually preparing to kill him. Just before he does however, he realises that the teenager only killed before as he was raped by the victim. Dexter lets him go, but warns him of killing innocents and to only kill people who deserve it. He compares himself to the teenager which I thought was interesting. 9/10


Season 1, Episode 4 – Let's Give the Boy a Hand

Awesome episode! The hand of a man named Tony Tucci is found by the Miami Police Department. Tucci was suspected by LaGuerta to be the Ice Truck killer, meaning the hand was a message of mocking the police's intelligence. The beach it's found on turns out to be a beach that Dexter and Debra were taken to by Harry when they were younger. Later in the episode, a foot is found and through looking at blood flow, Dexter concludes that Tony Tucci is still alive and is having his limbs systematically removed as a message. Doakes is kidnapped by the dirty cops that have been giving him trouble for a couple of episodes, before he is killed however the cops rush in and arrest them. Dexter receives oral sex from Rita in this episode too, which is going to cause complications for their relationship since Dexter finds any form of sex confusing/ uncomfortable. In the final moments of the episode, Dexter finds a blind man strapped to a chair in his house available to be killed, his picture is then taken from a stranger, presumably the Ice Truck killer. Loved this episode. 10/10


Great idea, looking forward to more of your posts.

Season 1 as a whole I'd give a 10, it's an amazing season of television.

Born Free, Seeing Red, Dexter, Father Knows Best, and Shrink Wrap were my faves of the season. All the best episodes are still to come!


Cheers! I'm finishing Season 1 off tonight hopefully so I'll have the reviews for that finished. :)


Season 1, Episode 5 – Love American Style

Tucci was the man left for Dexter at the end of last episode and instead of killing him, Dexter had him hospitalised for questioning. Debra suggests that Tucci be blindfolded again in an attempt to him remember what happened better. I thought this was a good idea but was pretty tactless considering how Tucci had just lost 2 of his limbs and was probably still in shock. Meanwhile, Dexter kills a couple as he discovers Castilo, the male, is killing immigrants from Mexico who cannot afford to pay for their arrival in America and his wife is involved. After killing them, it is revealed he is being watched. This happened was pretty dull I thought and didn't move the Ice Truck storyline on enough. 6/10


Season 1, Episode 6 – Return to Sender

At the start of this episode, the double murder Dexter committed last episode is found by the Miami Police Department and they investigate it. He then realises that the Ice Truck killer has recovered the body of the woman and put it there to be found. Dexter begins to experience fear, probably for the first time and begins having nightmares of Debra being a serial killer and him being discovered. Through the episode Dexter keeps trying to put people off potential leads in the case to stop them discovering him, which I thought was pretty funny because of how negative he was being with everyone and their faces kept dropping in shock. Dexter manages to throw off the boy found at the crime scene from discovering him who identifies the killer as Jesus Christ. This episode was amazing as we got to see Dexter get scared for the first time, showing us that he does care about some things. 8/10
