MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > The Boards are not a postive experience ...

The Boards are not a postive experience for most of the Users....

Where the hell are they getting that idea?

Did they ASK their millions of loyal customers?!

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


my guess if they're basing that off of the number of reports they keep getting

The problem is, they never take action against the wrongdoers, just the wrongdoings

If an inappropriate post gets reported, they simple just delete it, and take zero action against the person, leaving them free to just do it again and again and again

"I told my man I'm going to get a pap smear. he said 'bring me one no mustard'" - Adele Givens


And there are other users that keep abusing the "report abuse" feature, like the harmless threads keeps getting reported for no apparent reason.



Nobody bothered to ask me.


In the past few years there has been an influx of trolls, like the troll that tried to destroy the F&D board even after they destroyed an innocent poster, this has happened on several boards and people just get fed up with posting. It has already been mentioned that there are also posters who report other posters just because they can, I've had so many of the Red Letter warnings in the past 3 years and I'm not a troll nor do I post nasty things. Another poster on this board had all her personal information put out all over the internet and Facebook several months before her death by a troll that decided to destroy her, she was too ill to fight back. I think IMBD doesn't want to deal with these issues. Perhaps they fear lawsuits.

I will never let you part, for you are always in my heart: MJ
turn to page 394: Snape (nasty woman)


 It has already been mentioned that there are also posters who report other posters just because they can, I've had so many of the Red Letter warnings in the past 3 years and I'm not a troll nor do I post nasty things.

Same thing happened to me.



I've been reported many time on other boards. Shoot, it's seems odd when I don't see the red warnings.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


I've had nothing but positive experiences on here.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


Shoot, it's seems odd when I don't see the red warnings. I know the feeling! I hadn't had any for a while, though, and I guess someone decided to report me one last time just for old time's sake!

When evil is viewed as good, righteousness is viewed as evil.
