MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > F&D Board alternatives so far- UPDATED A...

F&D Board alternatives so far- UPDATED AGAIN

I wanted to collect these in one place because I see them in separate posts. Eventually, those who want to go on as a group will have to pick a home base. Meanwhile, these are presented as good alternative. I have joined all 3. It doesn't hurt to have backup!

1. Quicktopic Food and Drink by greekgirl. This is a stand-alone private group on Quicktopic.
Advantage: easy to access, can be moderated to keep out trolls, fairly easy interface.
Recommendation: this should be our initial gathering place while we decide what to do as a group.

2. imdbfoodanddrink on Google by nutsberryfarm. Also a stand-alone private group. Possible disadvantage may be the need for a google or gmail account, but otherwise it is easy to access and as a private group, trolls can be kept out.!forum/imdbfoodanddrink

3. IMDB V2 on freeforums. This has been created to look and feel like the IMDB main boards, so it includes all the boards you would see on the main boards page.
Advantage: easy to use, easy to access, familiar interface
Disadvantage: not sure how this will handle the volume of posting; they may be in violation of copyright or proprietary licenses. So- we could be thrown off again if they are sued.

4. IMDForums. A fourth alternative has been created this week. This is again, very similar in look and feel to the IMDB boards and plans to include all the boards now on IMDB. Again, I'm not sure about how they will manage the volume or licensing issues, but it looks good.

5. IMDB Tribute Board. A fifth alternative has been offered up with recommendations from F&D boarders. This is similar to the original boards so I have the same reservations. However, it seems to be well-managed with a sort of democratic approach to taking suggestions.

My other thoughts on moving on:
- get the emails of everyone you want to stay in touch with because once this is gone, it's gone, along with the PM system.
- you all might want to do some screen prints of your profiles
- you might want to print off your movie reviews, favorite recipes and better conversations.
- maybe we could load some of our better recipe collections and discussions to greekgirl's board to save them. Copy the thread and paste...

There are other boards being suggested but these looked like the best 5 options IMHO and seemed to have some F&D folks on each. There are about 30 alternative boards being promoted all over the place.

I fear we may lose some friends because they aren't active right now. If you know of anyone who hasn't been around, be sure to let them know what is going on.

"But look, the morn, in russet mantle clad, Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward hill"


I love that board...nice feel to it, closest to mimicking this site I've seen, and has a lot of boards from here, and the admins are open to suggestions on what to add.

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