MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > I baked a sweet potato this afternoon...

I baked a sweet potato this afternoon...

I usually peel them before I bake them, but today I was busy with a list of chores that I had to get to, and I just didn't feel like taking the time to peel the sweet potato. Priorities, priorities...

Anyway, leaving it unpeeled, I cut it into quarters, put it in my big cast-iron baking pot, and let 'er rip (in the oven that is: covered, w/ a little salt and butter, at 350 degrees for an hour).

I turned the heat down to 'warm' after the hour baking time, and just now opened the pot and had a piece. It was glorious. The thing I learned is, that you don't really have to peel it, because the orange flesh of the sweet potato pretty much slides or separates clean away from the peel after it's baked.

I wasn't sure it would do that, because it doesn't seem to work that way with other potatoes I've cooked with the skin on - like Russets.

So anyway, a nice little thing to know for future reference.

Don't mess with me, man! I know karate, judo, ju-jitsu... and several other Japanese words.


I bake whole sweet potatoes a lot for the bakery. One of our most popular items is sweet potato bread. We bake one to two whole sheet pans of whole sp's every week. They slip out of the skin so easily it's almost unbelievable. I can't help but sneak a nibble or two of the leftover potatoes after I'm done making the bread batter. I love them!

I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.
