MovieChat Forums > Politics > Divorce Should Be Illegal

Divorce Should Be Illegal

"In the culturally repressive era of the 1890s, ending a marriage was social anathema — and virtually impossible legally. Most states had near-blanket laws against divorce, which was viewed as a form of moral decay.

Much like antiabortion regulations before Roe v. Wade — and perhaps again now that the Supreme Court has overturned that ruling — divorce laws reflected the religious and political ideology of the day. Many states allowed divorce only in cases where adultery could be proven — a difficult legal process. A few states, like South Carolina, had no provision for divorce.

When divorce was widely banned, desperate women went to South Dakota. Tens of thousands of other women in the late 19th and early 20th centuries — traveled to this remote outpost in search of divorce. They sought marital emancipation by relocating — temporarily, in most cases — to the state with the most lax divorce laws in the country. All that was required was 90 days of residency."


Marriage is a modern scam, for man at least. Makes much more sense just to have a baby momma these days if you want to spread your genes. Child support is cheaper and after she gets old and ugly you can move onto your second or third baby momma without losing half your shit


You may want to contact Ben Carson and other Republicans who not only want all parents to be married, but they also want to end no fault divorce in order to keep them that way.


I call that a good start. The divorce laws and courts in this country are institutionalized misandry.


Sex strike by Ultra-Orthodox Jewish women to protest a Jewish law stating women can't divorce without her husband's permission.

Article says historically a sex strike tends to work.


How about the government stays the f out of people's personal lives?
