MovieChat Forums > Politics > USA to buy Ukrainian made weapons for Uk...

USA to buy Ukrainian made weapons for Ukraine

The high treason of the Biden admin continues. They aren't even bothering to hide it anymore.

Remember when he said that it was only going to US based weapons manufacturers? It was a lie (and one already bad enough as I don't support that). Instead, part of it is going to some corrupt oligarch in Ukraine who probably has connections to Hunter Biden.


Oh dear, again!


How much money do some people need?

There's a limit to who and what you can buy - isn't there?


Not for Zionist Blackrock! They want it all. ALL!


Did you see this little bit:

Maybe they think they're going to live forever and they really need all that coin.


It’s for future Zionist generations! They wish to rule the world! That is their end game. It’s very James Bond villain esq and they are going great job so far! What we see now is people waking up and pushing back!
