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New poll of US voters finds overwhelming support for Israel over Hamas in Gaza war

New poll of US voters finds overwhelming support for Israel over Hamas in Gaza war
67% of survey respondents say there should only be a ceasefire if all hostages are freed and the Gaza-ruling terror group is removed from power — Israel’s key aims in the war

I guess people aren't falling for that "Genocide Joe" nonsense!


When throwing around terms like "genocide" comes back to bite Hamas in the ass.

Economist/YouGov Poll, Jan. 28-30
• 52% of U.S. adult citizens say Hamas is committing genocide against Israeli civilians; 17% say it isn't
• 31% say Israel is committing genocide against Palestinian civilians; 34% say it isn't


Same poll:

Half of US adults say the military response from Israel in the Gaza Strip has gone too far, up from November.

The poll shows 33% of Republicans now say Israel’s military response has gone too far, up from 18% in November. Fifty-two percent of independents say that, up from 39%. Sixty-two percent of Democrats say they feel that way, roughly the same majority as in November.

About 6 in 10 non-white Democrats disapprove of how Biden is approaching the conflict, while about half of white Democrats approve.

Notably, about 7 in 10 Democrats under 45 disapprove. That’s the opposite of the attitude of older Democrats, among whom nearly 6 in 10 approve.

The poll shows 35% of U.S. adults now describe Israel as an ally that shares U.S. interests and values. That’s back in line with the views from before the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel, after a brief increase in November to 44%.

Thirty-six percent of U.S. adults say the U.S. is not supportive enough of the Palestinians, up slightly from 31% December.

About 6 in 10 call recovering hostages being held by Hamas an important U.S. priority, but only about 3 in 10 say it’s highly important to provide aid to Israel’s military to fight Hamas.

A similar share of U.S. adults say that about negotiating the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
