MovieChat Forums > Politics > I support the death penalty by hanging f...

I support the death penalty by hanging for killers.

I support the death penalty by hanging for murderers.

If you kill a woman of child baring years by way of a deliberate act of homicide, you should have to pay for it with your life.


We in Texas put one in the dirt Wednesday. I bet he was hoping Beto would win so it would get stopped.


Larry, Katie and Jan should burn in the chair.

Larry, Katie and Jan should swing.

Larry, Katie and Jan should be shot at dawn.


Who the hell are Larry, Katie and Jan?


The Big Three of Crime!


Wow I can't imagine what you'd do to jews and blacks then.


I am against this crowd.

These murderers killed people and got away with it.


Bobby Fischer was jewish but was labeled an anti-semite. I'm actually not making any accusations toward you just playing the whole tape. You may not be aware of this but the biggest role the Irish played in slavery was as slaves. Read about it if you haven't already- it's shocking. According to the powers that be they might not be considered a minority even though they were slaves, and considered to be worth less than slaves from Africa so they were given the jobs that were more dangerous and deadly- they were considered easier to lose than Africans. Not to mention that worldwide they are a tiny percentage of the population. It seems they will always be the butt of jokes and be fair game to be singled out.


And three murderers killed an innocent and got away with it.
