MovieChat Forums > Politics > Twitter's blatant partisan censorship un...

Twitter's blatant partisan censorship underscores that our freedom and country are at stake in this election.

Entities like Twitter, Facebook, and Google are propaganda outfits that have murdered truth. They suppress and control national discourse. They censor legitimate if politically inconvenient stories while pushing absolute BS conspiracy theories like the Trump/Russia collusion hoax for years. They impose double double standards that discriminate by race and sex as well as ideology. They form corrupt relationships with governments, including enemy totalitarian ones like China's, helping them oppress their own citizens while applying what they learn to Americans. They routinely violate user agreements and privacy. They subvert democracy and are seeking to end it with this election.

If the establishment succeeds in seizing full control over the country from the top down then it's over. The Chinese-style tactics openly praised by some on the left ( ) will have been vindicated as effective, and the "politically incorrect" (in the old, Stalinist sense) majority of the country would be silenced at a faster, more absolute rate than before.

They must be beaten if America in any meaningful sense of the word is to survive.


The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.


I deem ”I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”(Evelyn Beatrice Hall) has went out the window!

Folks, this is scary caca💩! The alt left are not only after the 2nd Amendment now they are after the 1st Amendment. We saw it coming when Ant-ifa began their fascist tactics! Shutting down free speech by conservatives. The feckless administrators of universities acquiesced to the militant thugs! Democrat Mayors and Governors pissed in their drawers and gave free rein to the new Brown Shirts (aka Ant-ifa)!
