MovieChat Forums > Politics > Terry Crews viciously attacked by leftis...

Terry Crews viciously attacked by leftists for opposing racial bigotry against any color; refuses to apologize.

It's amazing how innocuous his comments were, what was considered the bipartisan consensus norm as recently as the 2000s. Now, because of the disgusting rhetoric thrown at him, including epithets like "Uncle Tom" ("hate speech"?), he said he's decided to "die on this hill". That hill is the moral high ground.

More people with public voices must show the type of backbone Crews has for this society to have a chance at a good future.


Good for him, taking a stand and having integrity. There was nothing wrong with what he said and it is a shame that people are attacking him for it.


> BLM activists and supporters condemned Crews for "missing the point" about their movement. One woman said Crews was "developing into an enemy of the people." Another called him "worthless" and said that white people can "have" him. But Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson came to the actor's defense, likening Crews's words to those of Martin Luther King, Jr.


The left's message is the opposite of MLK's "I have a dream" speech. They would attack him today with the same vitriol they attack people like Crews or Ben Carson. Some of the radicals attacked King even back in the 60s. Now the entire Democratic Party has essentially embraced the old Black Panther, Nation of Islam stance, what reasonable used to condemn as the lunatic fringe in a bipartisan consensus.
