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Whoops! Lady Lindsay blows T-rumps impeachment defense out of the water !

Saturday morning's Opening Argument from T-rump's defense in his Impeachment trial went completely off the rails in a matter of moments when his attorney Jay Sekulow began with a blatant lie.

“Mr. Schiff and his colleagues repeatedly told you that the intelligence community assessment that Russia was acting alone, responsible for the election interference, implying this somehow debunked the idea there might be in — you know, interference from other countries, including Ukraine,” said Trump counsel Jay Sekulow. “This is basically what we call a straw man argument.”

Apparently, Sekulow didn't pay attention to T-rump's #1 ally in the Senate - Lady Lindsay Graham - when the Senator of South Carolina said this in an interview just 48 hours earlier :

“The president believes that the Ukraine interfered in our election,” said Graham on Thursday. “I can tell you without any doubt, it was the Russians who hacked into the DNC. It was not the Ukrainians.”

And down goes the T-rump defense.


Graham's own words during Clinton's impeachment have also shot down the "high crimes" aren't impeachable defense as well.


Graham is the gift which keeps on giving. I love when they play clips of past interviews with him.


Dershowitz's past interviews have blown his defense out of the water as well. Trump hired a criminal fucking attorney. Repubs need to let that sink in for a moment.


Since T-rump hired his defense team from FOX news, why didn't he pick Jeanine Pirro ? It would be worth the price of admission to see her make an ass out of herself in front of 11 million viewers.
