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Most foreign interference? BBC, Mexican billionaire who owns the NY Times, or 13 Facebook trolls?

I'd rank them like this from most (and worst) to least:

Carlos Slim/NY Times
Russian "interference"

The BBC is a multi-billion dollar state subsidized British operation with a rabid leftist, anti-American bias and they hate Trump even more than the US media does. But they have less impact on the daily US news cycle than the NY Times does. The Times' largest owner is now a Mexican billionaire who's one of the richest men in the world, personally accounting for an estimated 6% of Mexico's GDP. The paper has had a leftist bias for decades but under his influence it's become a true propaganda rag with no credibility or journalistic standards whatsoever, with a particular emphasis on promoting his open borders agenda and demonizing any American who opposes it. Millions of Americans' daily news consumption is shaped by the NY Times one way or another and leftists in particular often take their cues from it.

The 13 FB trolls had no impact on the 2016 election, let alone an ongoing impact on US politics. Unlike the two heavyweight, foreign owned media operations they didn't even monolithically favor either side, at one point simultaneously promoting pro Trump and anti Trump protests within blocks of each other.

In fact countless other forms of foreign interference in US elections would outrank the Russian FB trolls, from China's donations to Clinton in the 90s (which likely prompted him to lift export controls on dual use technology against military advice, resulting in China having advanced, accurate, dangerous missiles today) to disgraced British spy Steele and other foreign agents (from Russia and Australia) working with corrupt Obama DOJ officials to invent the Trump "dossier" and using dirty tricks to try and entrap members of the Trump campaign. But it's not like most of those crying loudest the past two years about "foreign interference" truly care about foreign interference. Many of the same people are fine with illegal aliens voting and don't even want us to have national borders.


Throwback Tuesday.

This explains The NY Times new agenda which was confirmed and leaked on video. They’re moving from the failed Russia collusion hoax to inciting a race war via their new “1619 project”.

We’ll be copying their propaganda stories as they’re released over the next few weeks. Thanks communist Democrat party NY Times for confirming your worthlessness.



Final proof, as if any more was needed, that the NY Times is a propaganda rag and not a serious journalistic enterprise. Anyone who says otherwise loses credibility. I did enjoy this part near the beginning though:

"The day Bob Mueller walked off that witness stand, two things happened. Our readers who want Donald Trump to go away suddenly thought, “Holy shit, Bob Mueller is not going to do it.” And Donald Trump got a little emboldened politically, I think. Because, you know, for obvious reasons."

LOL! No, Dean. Why don't you spell out these "obvious reasons"?
