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Milo on Overtime with Bill Maher vs. panel

These were the fireworks I was expecting.

I wish it would have been more of a controlled atmosphere.

Arguing over each other doesn't make for good debate.

The former counterterrorism intelligence officer, Malcolm Nance, made the best argument I've heard yet involving Russian hacking. In his opinion, the scope and scale would have required hundreds of people, and taken thousands of hours.

That excellent point almost got lost in all the FU's.

Bumping threads with my tail...


In his opinion, the scope and scale would have required hundreds of people, and taken thousands of hours.

Or one search algorithm.
Geezers don't grok computers.

Basically they took turns telling Milo to F-Off.

Quite the high brow response from the brain trust.

Hint: they're idiots. Just like Milo said.


Nonsense, he called them all idiots first. His firing back on in kind was just what his level of discourse deserved.

"Paranoia is just another word for ignorance."
--Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.


They're smarter than Milo. So is Jeremy Scahill.

Never trust a black man named "Chip." 


Dumbassed dindu didn't even know what a search algorithm was.

He thinks they print out 30K emails and use "hundreds of agents" for "thousands of hours" combing through them one by one.

And this halfwit was in the "intelligence" service?

What was he? The janitor?


Now let me guess: the right are claiming he masterfully "rekt" his opponents whilst the Left are insistent he got his arse handed to him with embarrassing ease?

Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

GladysOver: the (piss) artist formerly known as Chopper-Chang


As usual, Bills "panel" of howling leftards took turns yelling over each other and telling Milo to f-off.

They better get used to losing.


Milo did his schtick trolling the panel and Willmore got fed up and played right into the troll's hand.

End of the day, the douchy apprentice of Wife Beater Bannon gets more free publicity for himself. I'm sure he feels like a success.

Believe those who seek the truth. Doubt those who find it.



milo says transgender is a disorder, wilmore says its not, doesnt milo have the better argument?
