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Left Makes Up Issues With Trump

'Trump, with no evidence, says Democrats made up Russia hack' says the New York Daily News.

Yet there is no evidence. The article sites a 'secret CIA assessment revealed last week that Russian hackers breached the American campaign to help Trump defeat Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton.' Unsubstantiated leaks from unrevealed sources do not constitute 'evidence' of Russian involvement in the election. Even if the Russians hacked the DNC (still unproven), there is no indication they did it to sway the election. The Russians, like everyone else, collects intelligence into the candidates, or tries to do so. Another huge leap in conclusion is that the Trump team coordinated with the Russians to defeat Hillary. That is made up bull$hit, and the sore losers from the left have adopted the lie as truth.

So the talking points from the left, and the headline, 'Trump, with no evidence, says Democrats made up Russia hack', is in itself 'with no evidence, and a lie.

I say to the left: Put up or shut up.

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001


What did Trump do today? 


The Right ignores issues with Trump.

Please ignore me permanently. If not I'll assume you are in 💖 with me...xoxo rabbit


Great argument! You are on top of your game today! 

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001




Your post is laughable. Trump provides plenty of issues all by himself, no need to make it up. And anything that has been found wrong does not even COMPARE to all he has done that was true.

What did Trump do today? 


Your post is laughable. Trump provides plenty of issues all by himself, no need to make it up. And anything that has been found wrong does not even COMPARE to all he has done that was true.Tell you what. You focus on all the little $hit no one but the left cares about, and I'll watch to make sure he gets the economy going, stop illegal immigration, crack down on terror, rebuild the military, fixes the Veterans Administration, renegotiate trade, and appoint new constitutional court justices.

Try not to be too noisy; there are important matters the rest of us want to get done.

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001


You truly are a dreamer. More like take away millions of peoples health care, tear apart families through deportation while leaving taxpayers to raise their children, getting us into a YUGE war in the Middle East, knows more than the generals but has no plan for ISIS, can't manage a terror raid, *beep* all over the constitution and the separation of the executive and judicial branches.

I care when Trump, Conway and Flynn have all been caught lying to the US and the FBI....and all the sudden you do not care????????? What's that about?? Trump knew for weeks about the traitorous actions in his administration and DID NOTHING? For someone who demanded Hillary to be accountable for your perceived infractions, you sure change your tune when the Orange One is involved. Straight up treasonous activity and you bury your head along with the rest of the cons. So sad.

What did Trump do today? 



You truly are a dreamer. More like take away millions of peoples health care, tear apart families through deportation while leaving taxpayers to raise their children, getting us into a YUGE war in the Middle East, knows more than the generals but has no plan for ISIS, can't manage a terror raid, *beep* all over the constitution and the separation of the executive and judicial branches. I'm for fixing health care from outrageous premiums and lower care levels, enforcing on-the-books illegal immigration laws without the crybaby drama, acting like a President who won't fear what they might do but makes them fear what he might do, follow the constitution to the letter and feeling free to be critical of activist liberal judges.

It is you with your head up your ass. The rest of us with an ounce of common sense can now take on the problems.

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001
