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Obama's birth certificate: Why did it matter?

So much resistance to such a simple request....



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Did we ask to see the birth certificate of other presidents?

I don't recall people clamoring to see Ronnie's or W's.

How about Donnie's?

Why the black guy?

Held to a different standard?

Fascists decide that you are a criminal, then they find the crime


Other Presidential McCain and Cruz. The NYT brought up McCain's birth certificate on the front page. Hmmm....McCain’s Canal Zone Birth Prompts Queries About Whether That Rules Him Out.



Re: Obama's birth certificate: Why did it matter?
by frank-tj-mackey » 4 hours ago (Sat Feb 11 2017 09:00:09)
IMDb member since February 2007
Other Presidential McCain and Cruz. The NYT brought up McCain's birth certificate on the front page. Hmmm....McCain’s Canal Zone Birth Prompts Queries About Whether That Rules Him Out
McCain, having been born in the Panama Canal Zone, if elected would have become the first president who was born outside the current 50 states. This raised a potential legal issue, since the United States Constitution requires the president to be a natural-born citizen of the United States. A bipartisan legal review, and a unanimous but non-binding Senate resolution, both concluded that he is a natural-born citizen.
Didn't congress pass a law stating McCain could run?
And considering it wasn't an issue in the 2000 race, isn't it likely McCain & Cruz both got raked over the coals because of the drama about Obama's?

Romney's daddy ran in 1968 & he was born in Mexico.

Wanna debate that one?

Prove any birth certificate fuss isn't because of the black guy.

Fascists decide that you are a criminal, then they find the crime


1. McCain ran for President in 1999 as well. FYI, The Senate passed a resolution in 2008, not a law.

2. Romney was born to two US citizens abroad. But if Romney was unqualified, it's irrelevant. He shouldn't have been allowed to run.

3. Obama's birth certificate drama was created by Hillary's campaign staff and her supporters. IIRC, hillbuzz ( and texasdarlin lead the charge for Hillary online. They were also PUMAs.

4. Happy to debate, but won't waste time trying to prove a negative. It's disingenuous at best to ask someone to prove a negative.


Why the black guy?

Birfers weren't all racists. Some were just morons.

Believe those who seek the truth. Doubt those who find it.


Why the black guy?

You word it that to imply birthers were racists. Most were not.

There was a rumor, partly propagated by the Clinton 2008 campaign, that Obama was born elsewhere and that his birthright citizenship and therefore his qualification as president, was questionable.

Like 9/11 and other conspiracy theories, they ignored facts and twisted their logic to get to their desired conclusion.


One thing I'm curious about -

But if Romney was unqualified, it's irrelevant. He shouldn't have been allowed to run.
Okay, but what agency/group would block him? Just curious who specifically resolves such issues.

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.
