MovieChat Forums > Contributors Help > ANNOUNCEMENT: Why do you use the Title R...

ANNOUNCEMENT: Why do you use the Title Reference View?

Hi everyone,
We are in the process of evaluating the popularity of many of the features across IMDb. While overall usage is small, the title reference view has a number of diehard fans, many of which are our longtime users. To help us understand, if you use this page, why do you use it? What does it provide that the main IMDb title page doesn’t have?

For a bit of background, here is IMDb’s current title main page

Here is the title reference view page (which used to be the main IMDb page prior to 2010)

If both of these pages look the same to you, at some point your account was updated to make the “reference view” your default page. You can change this by going to “Site Preferences” and deselecting the “Show reference view” checkbox.

That said, for those who use the reference view, I’m very interested in hearing why. What is missing from the main title page? What would the main title page need to make you switch back? One downside of the reference view is that the data on the page is often 1-3 days out of date. If you use the reference view, I’d love to hear why.

IMDb Staff


I want to see all of the cast & crew at onceSame here.

