MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > OT: Christmas Childhood Memories

OT: Christmas Childhood Memories

What are some of yours? I just like stories lol. I had a pretty regular childood when it came to Christmas day. I can still remember that feeling of waking up, going to parent's room and waking them up. My older sister would also come in. They would never move for at least 10 minutes, prolonging the agony lol. Tthen we would first go to the kitchen and I would be afraid to look in, picturing Santa still sitting there. We'd then go in and read the note he had left for us and see the empty plate and glass. After that came the main event. Going into the living room and seeing all the presents. We each had two massive plastic stockings laid on the floor with our names on and they were packed full of presents that would fit.

Lol I remember one year on Christmas Eve, as dad wrote the note to Santa, I was sitting on the kitchen table and knocked his coffee all over his lap . I ran to bed crying, moaning that I was getting coal.

As kids, we always had dinner at hour house and a few relatives came over, mainly my granny and the one uncle who was single. He was such a tough guy who wore all denim and cowboy boots or something. One year I saw him arrive, he waved and called out, strutting his macho stuff and as he walked down the driveway, it was icy and he went down, sliding half way down it. He sort of stumbled at first, tryign to maintain balance and then landed hard on his ass and slid. That memory is still funny in my mind, he was somebody who always tried to act like a tough guy so when he went down, it was too good. He came in pretending to be alright but you could tell he had hurt his behind because he kept rubbing it and moaning that he had just got the jeans new 

So what are some of your memories?

 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


They eventually got arrested. But weirdly enough, a few years later, I got on a wrong plane at the airport and found myself stranded, alone, in New York City...right where the two burglars also happened to be!!! They saw me, and I had to fight them off AGAIN!
