MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > (SOLVED) movie or TV show from 1980s-199...

(SOLVED) movie or TV show from 1980s-1990s where a mom is attacked while getting her son from a factory or construction site

I only saw about 5-10 minutes of this about 30 years ago. For some reason the young son of a mom is by himself at a small office at what appeared to be a factory or a construction site. When the mom came to get him she was attacked by an older man. Perhaps he was holding the boy hostage. If I’m remembering it correctly, he had big hook that he used as a weapon. They had a physical struggle which resulted in her momentarily getting away from him and leaving the building with a limping leg. The man then crashed through a window to attack her again. I don’t remember exactly what happened immediately after that but it ended with cops arriving and, if I remember correctly, the boy told them not to hurt the man.


Maybe "Hitcher" (1986) ? Other possibility is "Candyman" (1992), but I doubt.


The Hitcher can't be it. It doesn't have any little kids in it and the protagonist is a man rather than a woman.


And this "Candyman" (1992) - is it possible? Do you remember more details?

I ask, because I found almost every your movie using Google, Reddit and IMDB searchengine, so I see high probability of finding.


I second the suggestion of "Candyman" (1992).

There are scenes throughout the film where she is at the University in classrooms and library's, and there is specifically a scene where the main character is accompanied by a boy (although not her son) and is attacked by a man with a hook in an inner-city that looks like a construction site.


Yes. My friend found other, similar movie (there is man with a hook in place of hand too): "Child in the Night" (1990). It could be "Candyman" (1992) or this second movie.


I looked at Child in the Night and that's clearly it. Thank you very much.
