MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Old Dinosaur Movie

Old Dinosaur Movie

Looking for a movie I saw on TV a lot as a kid ('late '80s/early '90s) about a team of men exploring some Arctic or Antarctic area (maybe the North Pole?) and uncovering some frozen dinosaurs? I remember a scene back at their base where one of the survivors is being shown pictures of dinosaurs by an old scientist type, and he finally gasps when he sees one of the pictures, and the old doctors says in awe, "Tyrannosaurs..."

It was black and white, probably '50s, but could be wrong.


The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms has a dinosaur freed from the ice after a nuclear explosion.


I saw that while doing a search, but that doesn't look like there's any scenes of actual people walking through the ice and snow of the arctic, just the aftermath of an explosion releasing a monster, ala the Kaiju movies. Anyone seen that and can verify either way?


There was The Land Unknown (1957) but the dinosaurs weren't frozen. A Navy helicopter crew lands in an Antarctic volcanic crater which contains a prehistoric tropical world.



Funny, I actually just watched that because I got so many hits when I searched about this. Not the one, pretty fun though. Doesn't look like there's any actual snow or ice in any of these...
