MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > British movie from between 2002 and 2006...

British movie from between 2002 and 2006 (SOLVED)

I'm trying to find a movie I saw on IFC back when they actually showed quality Independent films before turning into a 24/7 syndication channel for 2 & Half Men.

The movie is set in the North of England and centers around a group of disparate characters, male and female and all under 25 years of age. There's a girl with some friends who dress like tarts but have very nice arses and they tend to walk the streets at night and befriend Pakistani guys who drive sedans juiced up to be faux-race cars. Then there's another character a young white man who works in a factory and his father is either like Sean Bean or Frank Harper from those Firm TV shows.

The movie has an underlying tension about the racial and religious differences between Pakistani culture and White English culture. I was really getting into the movie but had to cut it short due to an emergency. After coming back to look for it again it never aired on IFC again and I haven't had any luck figuring this movie out.

The setting is definitely Northern England and I remember the accents sounding like Yorkshire and the landscape reminded me of either Leeds or Sheffield


This is England?


No. It's more obscure and the only familiar face would be as a mentioned the boy's father who reminds me of Sean Bean or Frank Harper but it may not be either one as I can't find such a movie under their imdb profile.


Love + Hate


That's!it! Thanks mate~


Check this film out too, unless you've already seen it
