
Bucky (196)


Why are so many uptight about this movie I heard he was getting married again Truth Social stock tanks This dude can't sing Dude has to pay Spacey Why do people say... Why do Americans feel the need.... Funniest line in movie Not as Homo-erotic as original Why hasn't this jerk been cancelled? View all posts >


RIP Gene You're kidding...... Yeah, that's what happens when education suffers cuts for the last fifty years. People believe in Pizzagate. At least they love the Affordable Health Care Act; it's a lot better than Obamacare. I find it funny to mention this to some and look at their face to see if they understood. Perhaps a democracy needs more than just two sides to be viable. It also needs an informed electorate. Any more than four or five parties and you get a non-functioning democracy as nothing gets done. She sure does have influence. Brandnewposter is a really cool guy. You're right. From Wikipedia: <I>In November 2002, while filming David LaChapelle's video for Elton John's "This Train Don't Stop There Anymore", Reubens learned that police were at his home with a search warrant. Police were acting on a tip from a witness in the pornography case against actor Jeffrey Jones,[99] finding among over 70,000 items of kitsch memorabilia, two grainy videotapes, and dozens of photographs that the city attorney's office characterized as a collection of "child pornography."[2] Kelly Bush, Reubens's personal representative at the time, said the description of the items was inaccurate and stated the objects were "Rob Lowe's sex videotape", and a few 30- to 100-year-old kitsch collectible images."</i> <url>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Reubens</url> I guess it does help to have a good attorney. Polanski would have spent time in prison; if he survived it, who knows. Paul Reubens got caught masturbating in an adult theatre; Jeffery Jones solicited a 14 y/o for a selfie nude picture. Too many people miss the points you make; they miss the point of the movie. View all replies >