MovieChat Forums > roreyking

roreyking (566)


Don't bother So Bloody Mary pimps out her daughter… Tits Why no comments on Capote vs. The Swans? Pamela Paul's very incisive pan Makes no sense What martial arts does Reacher practice? Translation of what the old man sang at Connie’s wedding. Why would a woman marry a man she knew was gay? Loved it View all posts >


OP: "This film would have been a lot better if it was half the length and they cut out the boring lovey-dovey stuff." No. It would've been a completely different film. Please. She was a white WOMAN who chose to drive unaccompanied through a notorious, scummy shantytown full of criminals & lowlifes. She was asking for trouble & she got it. The OP has nothing better to do than pose as a woke troll? Right. Like that's really going to happen. Nikki Haley as big a whore as the rest of the Republicans. Yes, happy birthday! Hope it's your last! You can hear Judy sing it on YouTube. It’s infinitely superior to the version used in the movie - no surprise. THANK YOU MELTON! For looks, Zendaya isn’t remotely comparable to Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Hedy Lamarr, Vivian Leigh, etc. Surprised no one mentioned Prince Faisal in Lawrence of Arabia. Subtle, brilliant performance. His delivery in his last scene of the line “We are all glad to be rid of him” was chilling. Thanks so much for caring enough about my opinion to read my other comments! Very flattering. The rest of your lengthy post is just petty nitpicking. You’re under the delusion that your opinion has merit because – well, because it’s your opinion, even though you can’t defend it. You take umbrage when your poor judgment is pointed out. You can’t see that the destruction of Oppenheimer’s reputation is just as essential a part of his story as his monumental success. That part doesn’t meet your childish threshold of boredom. But that's the story the creators were telling - not your version. Sad that you can’t be bothered to consider their intent. One gets tired of self-indulgent moviegoers who come to this board to spew out ignorant reviews they can’t substantiate, vs. engage in a worthwhile exchange of ideas. I know you’ll feel compelled to post another wearisome response. I won’t waste my time reading it. You’re ignored. Did you think throwing out an accusation of "hostility" would distract anyone from noticing that you can't refute anything I said? And since Nolan won the Oscar, BAFTA, Golden Globe & Directors Guild awards for Oppenheimer, a movie that’s grossed nearly $1 billion to date, I’d say the opinions of those who agree with you don’t count for much. View all replies >