MovieChat Forums > pancine

pancine (40)


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Ha! That is funny. PC is out of control in our country. Some people will always assume the worst,particularly those with no sense of humor. A few but I'll say The Good,the Bad and the Ugly: "that so,no matters what happens, I know there's a brother somewhere who'll never refuse me a bowl of soup", "you became a priest because you were too much of a coward to do what I do", "when you have to shoot,shoot, don't talk". "you see in this world there's two kinds of people my friend, those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig". I could go on. You and Kathy Griffin ought to hook-up. It's been that way for me for awhile, sometime around the message boards shutdown but I can't recall for sure. I use Chrome. Life happens while you're busy making other plans. I had a garter snake for awhile but they don't make good pets, they bite. I fed it feeder fish and it was quite a spectacle watching it devour them one at a time. In my experience corn, black,milk and rat snakes are docile and make better pets. I wasn't implying that anyone was a hypocrite one way or the other, just my own approach. What feels right for me. In my case I've shopped at the same store for many years and have gotten to know a few of the employees over that time. If I do have a gripe it's the free labor aspect. I feel like I'm donating free labor when I use self-check. No thanks. Unlike many I'm not in a constant hurry 24/7 so I don't mind waiting on line if necessary, I enjoy the brief human interaction with the checker. And I don't feel guilty about taking someone's job away, when applicable. i rarely return to IMDb, like many others only when I need specific info. I did delete my account eventually. As far as Amazon, it's a valuable resource for me and I have no plans to boycott. I'm not much for it but hailed as one of the greatest films ever, Citizen Kane was produced,directed and of course starred in by the 25 year old Orson Welles. Deserves mentioning whether one considers 25 very young or not. View all replies >