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Johnny Depp Apologizes for Donald Trump Assassination Joke

General Discussion - News, Rumors & Gossip
Johnny Depp has issued an apology for a controversial comment about President Donald Trump, asking, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” “It did not come out as intended, and I intended no malice. I was only trying to amuse, not ... read full story on Variety


Put this fool on the no fly list so he can't return.


Gee...what a shock you'd make a sweeping pointless statement. BUt if he belongs on the NFL, so does this imbecile:

And let's not forget Ted "has-been" Nugent.


You and Kathy Griffin ought to hook-up.


These people need to stop apologizing, and own up to their words. Gwar never apologizes.


Anyway it's funny and why are people so shocked that Trumpington is the butt of many a joke?


He's an idiot and a has been.



kinda like your claim to being a movie person...a has-been


He's still an idiot and a has been regardless of what you think or say.



His joke was stupid. You, however, are a far bigger idiot and absolutely not any kind of real movie fan, NONmovieboy.


He and his joke are both stupid. You know I can do this forever.



And I'm sure you will, NONmovieboy. You obviously have nothing else to do. That's already been proven by the way you thump your little chest about how many posts you've made every 12 seconds.


He and his "joke" are still stupid, and he's still a has been. regardless of what you say.



Depp should know that if anyone puts assassination and president in the same sentence in public or on line, you're going to get a visit from the secret service or the CIA, which he probably did and I'm guessing that's the reason for the apology, not too bright.


You are correct. Not bright at all. Hopefully wacko Madonna also got a visit when she said she was "thinking a lot about blowing up the white house".

Odd how the Left thinks violence, rioting, burning, looting and threats are okay when they don't get their way.



it's all sour grapes, their side lost and they're still crying.


They're doing WAY more than crying, the whiny snowflakes. They always do that when they lose.



When the secret service knocks on his door, Johnny knows that he's in a depp trouble.


The majority of which have had nothing substantive to offer, e.g. stupid, trite, 1-3 word pet expressions. His rhetoric appears very contrived, parroted, all about self promotion and cajolery.


Who Trump? I agree😂😂


No, Depp.



Depp has become quite pathetic.


He shouldn't,someone may taken seriously about this...


I'm not a fan of Trump, but I can't stand Johnny Depp.


It doesn't matter!
Who likes who or doesn't like who for that matter.
It was a joke.An obvious joke,how come people don't understand the difference between joke and not a joke? Why is everyone always offended?

Jesus feckin' Christ.Having Trump as a president is practically begging for a lampooning.


Lampooning is fine. Veiled threats are not. What would you have done if some idiot conservative gave that same line when Obama was president?



I don't remember Obama being so divisive,racist or sexist that he would cause such a reaction in the first place so I can't answer.

It was not a veiled threat.It was a joke.


We remember things very differently. Old Dumbo Ears was very divisive and racist. He set race relations in this country back 50 years. Every time something happened he took the side of the African American, and scolded the white person before he knew the facts. And every time we criticized him we were called racists. And he always urged on racial protests even after they turned violent, and never urged for calm.

And when Black Panthers blocked white voters at a Philadelphia polling place, his racist DOJ did nothing.
I could go on with his examples of racism.

Probably the reason you don't remember is that he was your guy, and Conservatives don't riot, loot and burn when they don't get their way like the Left does.



Probably the reason you don't remember is that he was your guy

You've lost me.What makes you think he was "my guy"?
Do you assume everyone on here is American or something?
Trust me when I say your current President is a laughing stock throughout the world in a way that Obama wasn't.
That,oh easily offended one,is a fact.


It sounded like he was your guy since you seemed to be praising him, and I assumed you were an American, since most folks here are in my experience. If you are not, my bad.

And the reason you never heard of Obama being racist or divisive is because our main stream media is a FAR Left organization. They are not interested in reporting the truth. They're only interested in promoting the Left politically. And they are rabidly anti Trump. They lie about him constantly. I am pro Trump. He's the best thing for our country. Under Obama we were drifting into Socialism, and that does not work well. The problem with Socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money.

And no offense, but I really don't care what the rest of the world thinks of our president. And it sounds like maybe you're easily offended also.



I wasn't praising anyone,you asked me to consider how I'd feel if someone made a similar joke about Obama.My reply was that he wasn't considered a joke in the way Trump is.
Trump is responsible for the negative press he receives.Everything I judge him on,his racism,sexism,his lack of concern about environment? It's is all real.It really happened, how can the press tell lies about stuff I've heard come out of his mouth or read on his twitter?

He's a buffoon,a joke but also a very dangerous individual and the sooner he disappears from the world of politics the better it will be for the world.A world which has every right to be concerned.


That's why they make chocolate and vanilla. I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks of Trump regardless of whether they're American or not. And I think you're 100% wrong, but you are entitled to your opinion.

I happen to think a lot of foreign leaders are a joke, and dangerous also.



I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks of Trump regardless of whether they're American or not.

You really do!


No I really don't.



But you do though.


Ah but I don't



You're on a thread crying about it,so you do.


First of all, I'm not crying about anything. I'm expressing my opinion.

Secondly I believe you misunderstood me. I wasn't saying I didn't care about what the Depp said, because I do. He's an idiot and a has been.

I was saying I didn't care what people from other countries think about America or our President. And I really don't. Sorry if that offends you.

There, I didn't use that horrible, disgusting, nasty, xenophobic word "foreigner". Aren't you proud of me?



BTW, another reason I assumed you were an American is that your English is perfect, and you were commenting on our politics. I didn't think foreigners were that interested in our internal politics.



So it's either America or "foreigners"?

Hmm ok.


Yes it is. If you're in this country, it's either American or "foreigners". If you're in France it's either French or "foreigners". If you're in Germany it's either Germans or "foreigners". Do you see how that works?



No that's not how it works.
People who talk the way you do are usually called xenophobic.A perfect Trump fan!


That's classic Lefty Alinksky tactics. If you can't win an argument, or an election, just smear your opponent. You're a perfect example of that. You can't win the debate on ideas, so you just insult and try to destroy your opponent.



Oh but I didn't insult you.
I just have you a clear definition of what you are.
You could have asked me politely where I come from but instead I was lumped into the "foreigner" non-American category.
That's xenophobia.If you don't want to be called a xenophobe don't be a xenophobe.Simple.


Yes actually you did. You obviously don't know the meaning of xenophobia.
To wit:

Xenophobia is the fear and distrust of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange.

I am not xenophobic. I do not fear or distrust someone just because they're a foreigner. I might disagree with them, or not give a hoot what they think, but that does not make me xenophobic. It's simply that I disagree with them.

And I did not call you a "foreigner". I simply stated that foreigners are usually not interested in our politics. Should I have used a more politically correct term? If so, please tell me what term would not offend you. You know some day the PC crowd is going to run out of things to be offended by.

And what's wrong or xenophobic about the word "foreigner"? It's a perfectly acceptable and accurate word for anyone who is not from your country. Why are you so sensitive about being called a foreigner? If someone from another country called me one, I would not be offended, because to them I am a foreigner.

If I offended you by not "politely" asking where you are from, I apologize. To me it doesn't matter where you're from. If you wanted me to know, why didn't you tell me?

So where, pray tell, are you from?





Not since The War Between the States (our civil war), Pres. Lincoln, have we had such a divisive president as Pres. Obama. He set race relations back years. There are too many instances during his 8 yrs to mention.

I believe Pres. Trump is his own worst enemy. But, he is not a racist. Most of us who voted for him did so thinking about the Supreme Court and the Federal Judgeships.

This President is reviled...not just because of his ideologies, but also for an absolute hatred for the man and his family. There are those who don't want him impeached, but dead. You and others may consider him a buffoon, but does this justify an insinuation of incest with his daughter? Does it justify a no-nothing holding up a caricature of Pres. Trump's severed head....Isis like? Does this hatred justify going after an 11 yr old boy with snide remarks? Does it justify a caricature of Trump as Julius Caesar being stabbed to death?
This is dangerous hatred inciting nut jobs to act on their hatred.

Food for thought: He may be considered a buffoon, but there are those who felt the same about Pres. Obama. What do you think the reaction would have been if a no-nothing was shown holding a rope with a noose around Obama's neck? Or if his likeness was being murdered in a play. There would have been such outrage like we've never seen before! Not only would the no-nothing lose her/his job, the dominos would have continued to fall. We who were against Pres. Obama would be blamed for speaking out against him. After all we who did not agree with his policies were racists!


"Not since The War Between the States (our civil war), Pres. Lincoln, have we had such a divisive president as Pres. Obama. "
I disagree.

"But, he is not a racist"

I disagree.

"You and others may consider him a buffoon, but does this justify an insinuation of incest with his daughter?"
I never said it did.However some of the things he says about her are incredibly creepy.
"Does it justify a no-nothing holding up a caricature of Pres. Trump's severed head....Isis like?"
I never said it did.It's offensive because of the Isis beheadings and because his young son saw it.
"Does this hatred justify going after an 11 yr old boy with snide remarks?"
I never said it did.I have a huge amount of sympathy for his young son,I'm horrified when people go for him.
Trump himself? He's big enough and ugly enough to take it on the covfefe.



Thank you for replying in a calm, mature manner. So many would be shouting insults and obscenities. We'll just have to agree to disagree. OK? As I wrote he is his own worst enemy. Pres. Trump, please put a lid on it!


Absolutely [cheers]


So put a sock in it, Dazed!



I'm tired of you now,buzz off.


I've been tired of you for a long time, so go squat on a fence post.



Agree with a lot of what you said but would chip in that a lot of Presidents were divisive but enough time has passed that the dust has settled upon it to obscure it. A lot of people did not believe in FDR's progressive economic policies and more historians currently believe that the gear up for WWII brought the American economy out of its doldrums.

Lyndon Johnson really did not only upset hippy's and radicals with the escalation of the Vietnam War but many taxpayers (i.e. main street conservatives) really failed to see what was being accomplished by US involvement in SE Asia. The growing cultural gap aka generation gap prevented the two groups from working towards a common goal.


I agree with what you wrote, but I was referring to race relations when comparing Obama to Lincoln. Lincoln felt slavery was evil and it was. The result being, the country split apart. Lincoln wanted to unite, but Obama seemed to pit blacks against whites. He and Eric Holder always jumped to conclusions against a white person or a police officer instead of waiting for the true facts.

LBJ was an evil liar who did escalate the Vietnam disaster by lying about the Gulf of Tonkin. As a result over 58,000 lost for nothing! I have a close relative's name on The Wall!


Well said again, Kspkap! You are a bright and articulate fellow.



Exactly. People forgetthese things about American politics or they weren't aware of it.


Wow, Kspkap! Well said! U da man!



You would think that he learned from what happened to Kathy Griffin when she made a similar joke about President Trump and kept his "jokes" to himself.


Apparently not. He's an idiot and a has been.



His career is going strong and his popularity is at its highest. I think that he should stop pissing off government officials. First Australia and now President Trump.





You think you're so cool but you're only cool on a message board that nobody who's anyone cares about movie


Whatever. Go squat on a fence post.



Well now I don't feel sorry for you when you got attacked by that other poster. He really threw in some good insults. I felt sorry for you. Not anymore. Bye



