Popcorngal's Replies

Thanks for the info, I will check it out. Well, the fire residents were discriminated to some extent, but they could burn something down,despite that fact it was somber seeing them treated like that. I had two goldfishes in the 90's named Flipper and Jaws, who use to fight. I was shocked. All my previous goldfish were calm and sweet. That is a personal question, why did you bring it up as a topic? I am a sporadic viewer of the soap, but I remember Brando. That is sad and tragic what happened to him. From.all accounts, it seems he was a nice guy. I heard the actress who played his wife Sasha is nice too. May he RIP. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o6q1NT2JMH8&pp=ygUOYnJhbmRvIGRpZXMgZ2g%3D I would like to see it. Maybe it's on YouTube or I can find it at a library I was wondering about the guy as well. I thought it was Ellis. Strange but interesting film. Pillsbury Doughboy commercials. I have to check it out. Which epics are you referring to? I saw Spartacus a few years ago. He was a heavy drinker, that will age you. True. It was fun to see him in his younger years. True, the scenes are stunning, I am watching it now. Wow, I bet it is a lot cheaper as well. My elders stated the same thing about shrimp, crawfish, and other seafood in LA. Remember Old Country Buffet, the last time I went was in 2010, the food was pretty good. Interesting, I never knew that. What state do you live in? I liked Golden Corral, although it has been years since I ate there in Gurnee, IL in the early 2000's. I ate at Chili's once during the recession, but I have never been to Applebee's. It is sad hearing that famous eateries of your youth are facing hardships, but that is the business world, always ups and downs. Wow, that location really went down hill! What are you talking about. Kate has cancer. She is still around.