MovieChat Forums > The Old Way (2023) Discussion > Why? (possible spoilers)

Why? (possible spoilers)

Why did he climb up to his daughter's bedroom loft, planning to shoot her?

Why, after they were on the trail together, did he make her take off her belt and give it to him?

Pretty decent western, but these things didn't make any sense.


I assumed he meant to shoot her so she wasn't abandoned and alone. That didn't make a lot of sense but it's the only logic I had.

I didn't notice the belt thing, I'd lost interest in the movie by then.


Keep in mind that there are a few scenes in the film that make it clear that he's a legit psychopath, in the clinical sense. He doesn't feel emotion like most people do. The Marshall told him that he couldn't seek vengeance "as long as the girl is alive," and so he thought to kill her so that he could take his revenge.

It was actually a weirdly dark moment for the film.

As for the belt, I don't know.


That's a was pretty evident. He felt he could not take revenge with her alive. Thankfully she changed his mind... 😂
