MovieChat Forums > PrimeMinisterX

PrimeMinisterX (8369)


Who is the target audience for this film? Does it make sense that Abigail. . . I enjoyed it Didn't expect gay propaganda in a Godzilla show with Kurt Russell How did he learn to play chess? PG version? I would like a three-hour director's cut Career went straight to hell after the 80s Five positives and one big negative Super Mario Bros Movie ($1.3 billion box office) vs Sonic the Hedgehog ($320 million) View all posts >


Ah. I do know that a lot of people like Returns a lot but I am in the camp of people who thought it was too dark and just as much fun as the first film. It does have the amazing scene of Catwoman becoming Catwoman though, which is one of the best scenes in any Batman film. It better be a lot better than Prey. That movie was very disappointing. LOL at it being "the best of the Predator franchise." It should be. There's something that holds the movie back from being an all-out classic, but it's at least good enough, interesting enough and unique enough that it should be remembered and lauded. Conran had a vision and brought it to life and the result is a movie unlike any other. Funny you bring that movie up. I was just thinking about it a couple of days ago. Sky Captain is certainly not a perfect movie, but I really appreciate the vision and ambition behind it. It should've been a hit. 300, on the other hand, I have no interest in ever watching again. Must be. Only thing worth seeing in it is a young Alyssa Milano. I remember thinking it was sort of okay when it was first released, and I was 12-years-old, but rewatching it years later as an adult convinced me that there is nothing of value here. I definitely don't watch the Indiana Jones films for reality. I watch them for escapist fantasy. Reality can check itself at the door. Indy IV and V are basically fan fiction. Neither really understand what made the first three movies great. I have to say that I did NOT like the classroom scene because it showed disrespect to Indy. If you watch the scene in The Last Crusade, every eye is on him. The students are enraptured. But in Dial, the students couldn't give less of a shit. If anything, that scene lays the foundation and sets the tone regarding how they're going to deal with his character for the rest of the movie. It was certainly a financial hit but it's not a movie that really garnered the love of the people. Most people I talk to about it don't like it. This is in contrast to its predecessor, which was is almost universally loved and regarded as a classic. I just watched the trailer. The choice of J-Lo seems fine to me. But the movie itself doesn't look very interesting an all. Just CGI nonsense. LOL. View all replies >