The ending felt rushed

This could have easily have been three movies.


This movie could've been 3?


I meant the adaptation of the first book should have been three movies.




It was so anti-climatic and unsatisfying. We finally get to the big battle we've been building toward all this time and whisk through it in about 45 seconds. Paul casually walks in and just stabs the big bad guy. We get a quick dual that's just sort of happening casually in some random room with people standing around like it's a golf tournament. And then they rush off to fight another day. Or something. Let's wrap up this saga with frumpy pants scowling at the desert. Sure, why not. I guess it's her movie now? This whole thing was a mess.


Haha standing around like it’s a golf tournament.


We have this HUGE like 30 minute sequence in a gladiator arena establishing what a threat this guy is. And then he's just swept out the back door like yesterday's news. It was baffling. This movie felt like a tv season cut down to three hours.


Paul just walking up to Baron Harkonnen and just causually killing him?

Gurney needs all of one second to kill Beast Rabban? His name is beast!
