why are all the Vulcans

played by Indians now?

is it just a shortcut to create a cultural background?


they did something similar when they on TNG/DS9

when they starting making most of the Klingon actors Black


I'm not sure you can say most. Michael Dorn, Tony Todd, Gabriell Union, even James Worthy were black.

However, they also had Vaughan Armstrong, Suzie Plakson, Eric Pierpoint, Karen Austin, Tricia O'Neil, James Sloyan, J.G. Hertzler, Robert O'Reilly, Mary Kay Adams, Kevin Conway, and Brian Bonsall were all white.

Those I've mentioned are all from TNG forward. The list is not exhaustive by any means, and I've only included actors who had speaking roles. Yes, I had to go check on a lot of names since I don't keep all of that in my head, though Dorn, Todd, O'Reilly, Hertzler, and Plakson I could have mentioned without reference.

What it looks to me is that there was not a particular push to cast any specific race as Klingons. Rather they cast the actors that fit the part they wanted portrayed. Personally, I thought they did an excellent job.

All the actors above portrayed Klingons as Klingons without falling into a "Planet of the Hats" paradigm where all members of a species are the same. All of these characters had their own personalities and interests and did a great job.

I think the Vulcans were not nearly as well served. Other than Leonard Nimoy, Mark Leonard, and Tim Russ, most Vulcans have been portrayed as robotic ciphers. Ethan Peck has shown quite a bit of promise as well.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem (coming late 2023)


"I'm not sure you can say most. Michael Dorn, Tony Todd, Gabriell Union, even James Worthy were black."

Those were Klingons, not Vulcans.


I was responding to DarthAckbar's comment:

"they did something similar when they on TNG/DS9

when they starting making most of the Klingon actors Black'

The thread began with a speculation on the casting of Vulcans. DarthAckbar made a reference to the idea being similar to most Klingons being played by black actors. I opined that was incorrect and supplied evidence to the contrary.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem (coming late 2023)


I think it's a better fit. Vulcans come from a hot planet. Having someone of a darker skin tone makes more sense. Overall, black people have features that work better as Klingons, too. Do you recall how bad Miles O'brien looked as a Klingon?


good points

lol, i do not, but i will google it


omg, lmao

i must have missed that episode


He looked pretty bad. Off topic: I recall how bad Kate Mulgrew looked as a Borg.


i need to google that as well


i don't remember that, either, lol

must be getting old


It was "Apocalypse Rising", where Sisko, Odo and O'Brien are surgically altered to infiltrate Klingon HQ together with Worf try to expose Gowron as a Changeling. If you're wondering how Odo is surgically altered, it was during that time on the show when Odo was a solid, not a Changeling.


Klingons are black people, and Vulans are Indians ... maybe Romulans will be Mexicans


makes sense


Then the Andorans can be albinos.


Then the Einars will have to be invisible or something.


Neat. I wonder what the Ferengi are.


Aborigines? Maybe?


Midgets, i.e. Little People.


The Ferengi are clearly Jews.


What about them whites? What race can they be? OH OH I KNOW! The Borg of course. They be colonizers and all dat.


Yeah, and the Federation Americans. Has there ever been a Star Trek series, episode or movie where the head of the Federation was not a older white male?

Ever wonder how the Earth was not in the Federation, and then joined it, and then suddenly took over and the capital in Earth in SF, CA?


What do you mean by Earth was not in the Federation? It was THE Federation.

The Federation was founded in San Francisco, Earth in 2161. (TNG: "The Outcast"; ENT: "Zero Hour", "These Are the Voyages...") The seeds of the Federation were planted during the Babel Crisis of 2154, during which a temporary alliance was formed to search for a Romulan drone ship preying on local vessels. This later on became Federation Day in which you would see in Picard when they did a rollout for the Enterprise-F's final journey.


Rorikon is correct. The founding species of the Federation were the Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellerites. (most sources also list Alpha Centauri, but it isn't clear if Alpha Centauri was a Earth colony or a separate species.) There wasn't a Federation before that, or any proto-Federation either (at least in that area of space)

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem (coming late 2023)


the capital is in Paris. Starfleet command is in san fransico


Starting TNG, Vulcans are given an olive skin hue to reflect their blood color. As for T'Pring and family, in TOS she looked SE Asian to me however here they made her South Asian. And as you know SE Asian are mongoloids and South Asians are caucasians.
