MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > This should've been the final scene of D...

This should've been the final scene of DCEU

this was right there

instead of


That was the main thing I disliked about The Flash.

If it had been Keaton, that would have been amazing. Instead it took me right out of the movie, playing as a meta joke, as obviously Clooney would never, in a million years, have been playing Batman again in another movie.


I kind of like it had the DCEU ended on a whack joke, kind of fitting.. also for real life too. Stuff often ends in silly ways you'd rather it end any other way


Maybe. But then, despite it being panned, I really liked the film, so I found it disappointing that it couldn't just be viewed self contained, without making that meta joke.

I think I saw that they had filmed that scene with Keaton as well, so it could have been...


Yeah originally it was Keaton (the 1st pap pics of him were of that scene) along with supergirl. Then I think they reshot it with Gadot and Cavill (idk if Keaton & SG were to be included as well so for it to be a kind of 'nu Justice League'), before Gunn stepped in and got Clooney (I read they wanted Bale but he refused lol)


I'm quite happy that Cavill is gone, but I'd have loved a scene with Keaton, Calle, and Gadot. But given the bastards decided to cancel their plans for Keaton I'm fine with the scene we got.


That second one from Aquaman 2? I agree Clooney should have been the final scene of the DCEU (with NO post credits sequence).


Not only scene but I believe the Flash should have been the last DCU films to be released. It really would have made sense as the final scene of the Flash (Not the rubbish post credit one that made no sense) hinted that things changed due to Barry messing with the multiverse. It was a perfect explanation to introduce the new re-booted James Gunn DCU. Instead we had Aquaman 2 as the last film ... Makes no sense... It is like telling us all is changed at the end of the Flash then showing Aquaman as he always has been in the DCU. WB screwed up with that one.


I guess that since Momoa showed up post end credits in The Flash then its OK he just continue as normal in a final adventure minus the Batman cameo where they filmed it with both Keaton (when they planned to have Keaton be the new DCEU batman and have him in Batgirl with the DCEU Cmsr Gordon JK Simmons) and Affleck (when they decided Keaton wouldn't be taking over),

but yeah obviously it'd have made more sense for The Flash to have been the finale


The Flash should definitely have been the last DCEU movie. Basically a reset, like Apokolips War was for the DCAMU.
