MovieChat Forums > bozo_500

bozo_500 (12351)


First reaction in the unlikely event this breaks 1 billion.. The ending is magnifico At this rate they'll have to fire RTD RT ̶2̶0̶%̶ 50% Fun comic book First Look At Billy Zane Channeling Marlon Brando In ‘Waltzing With Brando’ If Supergirl had a cameo.. 87% RT Fun photo View all posts >


Probably 1 million he shouldve put Spacey in this too looking very Bond like Now 50% I'm sure Kermode will review it soon Think he did it to get some of that metoo fame . It is basically JJ Abrams as Steven Spielberg directing this movie. And then JJ as George Lucas directing Star Wars Episodes 7/9 (and Star Trek) Similar with James Mangold as Steven Spielberg directing Indy 5. I guess Spielberg himself attempted to be Stanley Kubrick directing AI. Empire give it the coverted 5/5 (same as Fury Road got) 1st movie he's a patrolman in a crumbling world on the brink Then between 1 and 2 the world falls into chaos/WW3 so Mad Max 2/3 (& Fury Road) are the post apocalyptic movies that everyone associates them with Yes all are great but MM2 is the best/most iconic. The much celebrated Fury Road is like a vague sequel, mainly bc it was made 30y later with a different actor as Max (although was originally set to star Mel Gibson until around 2004). but obviously set in same world I had this one at the time (fold out poster magazine) View all replies >