MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man 3 (2007) Discussion > WTF Happened to Sam Raimi’s Unmade Spide...

WTF Happened to Sam Raimi’s Unmade Spider-Man 4?

Maybe should make it now as a Raimi/Maguire legacy sequel. be better than a 4th Holland movie thats for sure


At the time I was posting at World of KJ Index in 2011, AVATAR was the movie championed the most and no matter what you said even remotely critical, it went in one ear and out the other because of James Cameron and I said that without 3D, AVATAR wouldn't have made what it did because whether any of the posters at that time liked it or not, 3D Really is what sold that movie and every movie after that had to copy the formula including Tim Burton's ALICE IN WONDERLAND in 3D

As for SPIDERMAN 4, I think people were ready to move on from Toby Mcguire because he was getting too long in the tooth to play the character and they had to go with someone younger the new generation could relate to..
