Why Didn't Yoda And Obi-Wan Take On Palpatine Together After Obi-Wan Had Polished Off...

... Anakin?

Yoda pretty much gives up Vs Palpatine but was hardly given a good thrashing.

They both assume that Anakin is dead at this point. So why didn't Yoda believe that having Obi-Wan with him would have led to them defeating Palpatine?

After all Obi-Wan had just beaten Anakin, with his massive midi-chlorian count and all, so surely they'd have beaten Palps there and then...


There's absolutely no reason why Yoda and Obi Wan needed to split up and face either Sith singled handed. It makes no sense.

They were on Coruscant already. Go for the head of the Snake. Together.


That's a fair point. Can't remember how they justified it in film...

Although to be fair, every time they go two on one versus a sith one of them seems to get instantly incapacitated anyway!


There wasn't any justification given. Just assumed that the audience would accept that since Obi Wan and Anakin were going to fight, Yoda had to fight Palpatine.

Yes Sith Lords when it's one versus two can defeat a single Jedi very easily. But struggle against one on its own. The opposite is true of Jedi. Only any good at fighting once all their buddies have been killed.


They justified it by saying that Obi-Wan wasn’t strong enough to fight Palpatine. I guess he would’ve just gotten in the way like the other jedi masters did when Windu fought Palpatine. Whether or not you agree with that is a separate discussion, but that’s what happened.

With that said, it is odd that Obi-Wan was considered strong enough to fight Anakin, the same Anakin that had recently beat Dooku, the same Dooku that beat Obi-Wan every time they fought. The power levels in the movies weren’t exactly consistent.


Free Palpatine from hummus. That shit is bad for his health.


Yeah but what's worse for Palpatine, hummus or the juice?

Free Palpatine from hummus and the juice. That shit is bad for his health.
