MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Discussion > What would Picard Do about Tuvix.

What would Picard Do about Tuvix.

I feel like Picard would tried to find a solution that wouldn't involved just killing him.


He would have either allowed Tuvix to live or asked Data to come up with some miracle solution that some how kept not only Tuvix alive but also brought back Tuvok and Neelix.


And then Wesley Crusher would have entered and done it better, in half the time, while pointing out how Data didn't account for [insert technobabble here].


At which point Picard would have put them both into a torpedo bay and flushed them into space.


He wouldn't have executed him, that's for sure.

I like Janeway but that was her low point.


TNG version of Tuvix:

Picard wants him dead and Guinan agrees. Later, Geordi talks to Guinan and convinces her to talk to Tuvix herself. Guinan does exactly that and is then suddenly not so sure anymore. She in turn convinces Picard to talk to Tuvix, too. In the end, Picard has a change of heart and nobody dies... oh, wait..


What makes YOU such an expert on the motivations and intent of a fictional character from a 27 year old tv show? You really need to grow up before reality mows you over and leaves you as the rotting mulch I suspect you were intended to be.


Oh Harold, you knight of the keyboard lol. this was meant as a joke, watch "I, Borg". ;)


I feel a torpedo bay flushing coming on.


Cap'n P would have just reasoned with him until Tuvix volunteered to undergo the transporter malfunction correction procedure. Make it so!


He would have done the same thing. It's a dark premise. There is no happy solution.


In Picard's Trek world, it would be possible to use a transporter pattern to reproduce Tuvix (the two Will Rikers for instance) and restore Neelix and Tuvok.
