Hasn't aged well

This among many of the programs of the Fox Kids lineup were a major highlight of my childhood. With a free trial of Disney+ I decided to go back and rewatch some of these shows with an adult lens. The first was Spider-Man, which I thought was very well done. I then followed up with X-Men.

Between the drab color palette, clunky animation, and cringe voice acting I just couldn't get through it. At times this show just felt depressing. I think the only saving grace for me was Wolverine's voice actor, who I use as a mental voiceover to this day when reading comics. Outside of that, this really isn't the same as it was back in the day for me nor do I feel like there's been a, "solid" X-Men animated show to date.


well, it was made in 1992...and consider the state of technology back then. Consider even that most of us were not online. And social media like we know now did not even exist. Totally different universe. it was pretty hi tech for back then. And sophisticated for a childrens show basically to plug toys.


I don't think it has anything to do with technology. Like I mentioned, Spider-Man, which was made around the same time as this show executed better in my opinion. We also have to remember Batman: TAS came out during this time too and blew both of the aforementioned out the water on all fronts.


BATS had a retro thing going with it's images a 'goth noir' It aired early 1990's but didn't look it in the animation. Xmen was not 'goth'. Would have been all wrong.


If I'm not mistaken, your original argument was the state of technology. You're comparing art styles. My point was that technology in this time period (let alone any period) wasn't dependent on making a solid show.


“Social media like we know now did not exist.”



Double like, and two thumbs up.


dragon ball z was made in 1990, dragon ball in 1986 and they both had more flouid animation then this garbage so stop with the excuses. this show is shit tier. you are just blinded by nostalgia. the difference between x-men tas and spiderman - tas is that spider man - tas actually have good dialouge and good voice acting while x-men tas is pure cringe. deal with it man baby fanboy with nostalgia googles


Animation-wise, they were already not great to begin with imo. But story-wise, I still love them.


I grew up watching this so I disagree. I like this way more than the other 2 X-Men cartoons. Frankly a lot of the newer cartoons turn me off.


This piece of shit show certainly hasn't aged well, this show was the absolute worst thing to come out of the 90's while Batman:TAS was the absolute best show to come out of the 90's. Batman:TAS is unrivaled in quality by any other comic book show, and IMO has certainly stood the test of time, that being said it really hit me hard when Kevin Conroy passed away, he truly embodied Batman, a character I admired for as long as I can remember and gave him heart and soul. It's good to see that there are people who share my opinion on this God awful show.


Likewise! Nostalgia goggles be damned!


BATS was drawn to be 'timeless' independent of any time period--whereas X-men looks like it was in that specific day and time. The characters use shopping malls the style of which were developed in the 1980's and 1990's

X-men looks 'bright' despite all of the action and fighting which occurs. This is probably why people dislike it. But then again Bruce Wayne is an adult while the x-men are younger (young adults--probably early 20's) and Jubilee is the youngest. So this too accounts for the difference in tone between the two shows.

Bruce owns a multinational corporation while Charles xavier only owns a residential school which the others live and work at in exchange (apparently) for room and board. Wayne is far more conscious about his public image than the residents of that school.

If Bruce had not lost his parents, he would never have consciously decided to become Batman while they still would have yes had to adjust to their differences in society bc they regardless of what others did were born/ ultimately and involuntarily became mutants. Important contrast.

X-men isn't supposed to be disturbing. Batman is.


nothing to do with "bright" dude. spiderman tas and batman tas both well acted with great dialouge. x-man tas just has garbage writing. along with garbage animation

i wouldent care about the animation but the acting and dialouge just too bad


What the hell? Nothing made today dares approach something the quality of this X-men cartoon. It's not my favorite, but all these hand drawn cartoons are treasures. Each year that passes, this looks better, not worse.


The glass ceiling broke for me during the Phoenix storyline. The acting was so overdramatic and cheesy that my father actually looked in to see what stupid show I was watching.

My dad is an Austrian who rarely watched anything on TV aside from the occasional VHS we picked out.

If it was bad enough to get him to look, then you know it's something else. After that, I couldn't watch it without realizing how bad it was. Animation aside, it's a show for kids. That's why I don't revisit the old cartoons. If I had kids, I'd reccommed it to them between the ages of 9 and 12.


Interesting lol. I don't even know if I'd recommend this to a child. It's just so melodramatic.


I'd do it just to see what their reactions are. My mom forced me to listen to Barbara Streisand while driving to a prison 4 hours up north (her bosses were there doing time). She thought it was funny and culturally enriching.

We've all. Been there.


I think it’s faithfulness to the source material was rather close, as well as seeing comic book material being bought to life visually for the first time (for the X-men). There hadn’t been anything like it.

It may not hold up to some, but it’s still a fairly solid Saturday morning cartoon throwback. In the end it’s still a kids show with adult themes. Some camp is expected.


Fair points.


X-Men The Animated Series: 15 Things That Went Horribly Wrong


X-Men: The Animated Series is a '90s classic, but it was far from perfect. Here's everything this otherwise astonishing show got wrong.
