MovieChat Forums > The Day After (1983) Discussion > Dr. Oakes on the freeway, would no sound...

Dr. Oakes on the freeway, would no sound have been better?

Very powerful scene.

However when the bomb detonated in the distance, how would it have been if the sound had been accurate? If there had been no change at all in his local ambient noise until some minute or so later when the sound of the blast got there?

Ok, a minute would have been too long for movie making purposes but some delay would have changed the scene entirely.

I get that the sound effects they went with added a lot of powerful drama to the scene and I can't fault them for that at all, but if it had been handled differently that delay could have made the scene so spooky and effective in a different way.


I disagree. The silent movie making era has been long over. Silence is boring


Look at a movie like Serenity (
Despite the 'light' sci-fi genre they made good efforts to make space silent, as it would be. It only made those scenes cooler, more atmospheric and more exciting.


There's a scene in the new movie Civil War that has a scene where things go silent like that for a minute.


I completely agree that this would have been better and given the film makers a much better scene.

Imagine everyone there staring in shock and awe at the sight of the explosion and mushroom cloud rising, and it's so strangely silent. Then it comes...

But... I don't think the effects available to the TV production at the time could have properly conveyed that effect, however, so we got what we got.
