MovieChat Forums > Volodymyr Zelenskyy Discussion > Send Americans to Ukraine

Send Americans to Ukraine

An American Veteran has a word for Zelensky on sending troops to Ukraine.

Do you agree with him?


Is this another one of those fake "veterans" that have profiles on Twttter and pretend to be "veterans" while it's Ivan sitting somewhere in russia and working his daily salary of fooling stupid trumpists?

Well at least this one speaks with American accent. This is such hilarious video. Thank you. This pussy sitting and trying to be all menace. Comedy gold.

Trump not only destroyed republican party and turned them into russian pets and servants. He also destroyed "American veterans". Just like republican party used to have reputation of Hawks and strong men - now they are these pathetic sad cowardice creatures that take orders from russia.

"Veterans" used to have this reputation of big strong guys and Americans worshiped them and payed respect. Because they were like at war and stuff. Now with all this "Trump - Democrats election fight" "veterans" who run around twitter with their trump hats turned into these pussies and simps who are so incredibly stupid that russians can do whatever they want with them. You have a whole big group of former American militaries who take orders from their russian masters and kiss putins feet. They are not veterans - they are traitors.

I'm sorry but this dude looks like he came from a gaay club. When he says he will come after Zelenskyy I burst into laughing. That fact that z-russian profile with russian flag reposts this "veterans" message, because this "veteran" is russian little b*tch... So freaking embarrassing. I don't think this dude ever hold anything more then a dumbbell in gym and was shooting cans on the ranch. No way this clown was at any real war.


And it's staggering how stupid trumpists are. russia can put anything, any fake news into their empty heads and they would repeat it like parrots.

I watched it few times trying to understand what this pussy is referring to. Because trumpists, just like Musk, live in their own echo chamber with very little connection to reality. And russian propaganda just creates "news" for them and then sends memo to those twitter bloggers like posobitch, that ian-chong clown and few others. And they work as repeaters. And put rusian propaganda in their heads.

So is this about that fact that Zelenskyy or whoever sad that if russia will be allowed to win in Ukraine then it will attack NATO countries and as NATO member USA would have to sens their own troops to that war because this is what NATO is? It's organization whose premise of security is: "If any NATO country is attacked - all NATO would defend it". This is why russia is so batshit crazy about it. Because it means it can't attack smaller European countries.

If russia attacks any NATO country then yes - American soldiers would have to go and fight russia. Along with soldiers from other NATO countries. This is why russia has to be destroyed now before it will do so.

But trumpists are so stupid that russia convinced them that " Zelenskyy said he will send american children in Ukraine" or some shit. And this is what this idiot is saying. I assume. Because often it's very hard to understand what is happening in trumpists heads.


emori, I admire your patience but I have to warn you: trying to make ANY fucking sense with some moron that in 2024 has any sympathy for a lousy character like trump, is a complete waste of time.


I like to talk. But yeah - it's impossible to talk any sense into them. It's like people live in their own reality. And nothing can get to them. They are like cult. Whatever cult leader will say - they will repeat.

If tomorrow Trump will say that "russia is bad, putin is enemy, American troops must go into Ukraine to fight russia" - this pussy veteran from video will make another one, kissing Zelenskyy feet and saying he is jumping on the first plane because it's so important to kick russia's ass.

They have zero of their own thoughts.


You really do have this unhealthy obsession with Donald Trump, you know that?? And it's not just you, it's that other moron, Keelai who also displays an unhealthy obsession with the man.. Years from now, I wonder if you'll look back on all of this and laugh and ask yourself why did I act like this??


I just would pay you good money to send me some selfies of your face after the election in November.
No need to wait for years from now, just a few months and you will question your own existence.


It'll be a happy face for certain after Trump steamrolls this guy and he will too!! Unless of course, the Democrats put the fix in on Biden winning again, though they don't have Covid to do it with, so not sure what they'll go with this time out?? 🤔


I think the fix is already in!


And I have to admit, even before this war, it was little embarrassing how Americans were running circles around their veterans. With them being so depressed and ptsd from fighting few months in Iraq and Afghanistan. With all those countless movies when those grown military men cry and drink themselves after returning home. And darker stuff.

ARMY MEN don't behave like that. Like pussies. It's been 2 years of full out war and Ukrainian soldiers don't behave like that. Even after being wounded. They don't whine, don't cry, don't off themselves. From 2014 to 2022 soldiers were at frontline around Ukrainian territories occupied by russia. And there were daily fights there.

None of the soldiers who came home from that war were whining like those "American veterans" in USA. No one does this in other countries.

Its no wonder USA lost basically all wars it was involved in. When their soldiers are like that pussy in video. Lost war in Vietnam. Lost war in Afghanistan and after 20 years packed their things and basically ran. Is about to admit defeat in Iraq and run too.

America can bomb stuff from sky. With their good weapons. But then when time comes to ground operation - they have problem. They can't fight some local barbarian people with pistols and grenades. So they stay for few years losing men and then pack their things and return home admitting defeat.

And pussies like in this video then trying to look all tough back home but then go and drink from having ptsd.
That's why no one really respect American troops. This situation basically highlighted it. We have all these "veteran pussies" putting their hands up in defeat and simping for their russian masters. No respect for themselves, for their country. Just defeat and admission that putin and russia owns them.


That's a pretty disgusting thing to say about Americans, especially with the number of volunteers and equipment that went to the Ukraine.


"Send Americans to Ukraine"

Every military adventure we've undertaken since 2001 has been an astounding succes, and the oddsmakers in Vegas are wagering that our chances of not fucking things up royally, if we get in the middle of Russia and Ukraine's current slugging match, are exceptionally strong. This is a more sure bet than David Berkowitz being exonerated for The Son Of Sam murders within the next 24 hours


Even before ! We won desert storm 1 & 2, hell we even won Vietnam. We are a force to be reckoned with.


How did the USA win in Vietnam when the North invaded and took over the South? Sure, the USA won some battles, but the war was completely lost to the North.


The last war the U.S. has won was on the island of Grenada. Lol. Stalemate in Korea. Defeat in Vietnam. Chaos in Iraq. And we're kicked out of Afghanistan. Time for another complete failure in Ukraine?


[–] mechajutaro (2788) 2 months ago
Every military adventure we've undertaken since 2001 has been an astounding succes,


After 20 years of fighting in Afghanistan, the Taliban is back in control.
The Jihadists are still in control in Niger.
We are still fighting, without end, in Yemen, Syria and Somalia.
The Irag wars were a partial success for the USA.


I was in the U.S Navy back in the 90's and at 58, I'm not going anywhere, but the real question is this: How many Gen Z & Millennials would volunteer to sign up for the Military and serve their Country?? Well?? How about it?? I went on my own, I didn't have to have any advice given to me, I just went and enlisted.. How many would give up the Luxury of your Smartphones and Streaming channels to do this?? 🤔


Fewer and fewer!
