MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Things/Events you can't get past with hi...

Things/Events you can't get past with him

It's the scam charity for me.

What sort of heartless fiend runs a fraud charity (In b4 the whatsaboutisms)? It takes a special level of ego and moral bankruptcy to run a fake charity. I can understand murdering someone, but not this level of pure evil.

This goes for any anyone including family members and best friends:If you run a fake charity, you INSTANTLY lose any and all trust from me. Even as a Christian, I will forgive you, but you're not going to be trusted EVER again.



"Things/Events you can't get past with him"

For me, Trump's pardon of Sholom Rubashkin during the 2017 Christmas holidays when nobody was paying attention, was the deal-breaker.

Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin is the former CEO of Agriprocessors, a now-bankrupt kosher slaughterhouse and meat packing plant in Postville, Iowa. During his time as CEO of the plant, Agriprocessors was cited for issues involving animal cruelty, food safety, environmental safety, child labor, and hiring undocumented immigrants.

In November 2009, Rubashkin was convicted of 86 counts of financial fraud, including bank fraud, mail and wire fraud and money laundering. In June 2010, he was sentenced to 27 years in prison. On December 20, 2017, Donald Trump commuted Rubashkin's prison sentence after eight years served.


I am afraid the dictatorial ambitions ascribed to him are nothing but Democrat hyperbole.


He literally believes the president should be above the law. Do you agree?


Let's say I do not believe the sitting President or his supporters should be allowed to weaponize the law against their political opponents.


But Trump argues the opposite. He believes in absolute immunity.


It's all OK as long as one is not a Leftist, though.


Even if he’s guilty as sin?


LOL. Let the courts decide, Judge Judy.


Let the courts decide if there should be a dictatorship or not? If you say so.


If Trump had ambitions of being a dictator, he would have taken advantage of being President the first time to get started.


Uh..he did. Did you miss him trying to force people such as his vice president into overturning the election results. The only reason he didn't do anything is because the system (muh swamp) stopped him from tearing a part democracy.


So what are you worried about? Your awesome swamp will just stop your boogieman of fascism again, right?


"You failed to kill me the first time so that means I should let you in my house because you already failed to kill me once"

Honest question though, what do you consider fascism?


Here's some warning signs of fascism based on precedents seen during Hitler's rise to power:

Attempts to deprive citizens of their right to bear arms:

Militarization of the nation's armed forces against its own population:

Weaponization of the legal system against political opponents:

Attempts to ensure a stranglehold on the nation's power

Enforcing behaviors or activities on a population:,the%20vaccination%20on%20religious%20grounds.

Government sanctioned mobs enforcing the government's views on the populace:


Singling out a group for demonization:


I didn't ask what the warning signs were. I casked you what you consider fascism. You seem to confuse it with simply authoritarianism.


Fascism is whatever someone dislikes about the other political party.


There's so many.

He refused to pay foreign workers imported to work on this buildings.

He scammed the folks from Trump University.

This might fall under the charity category, but Trump used his charity's money to pay for portrait of himself.

Buying jewelry and to avoid paying taxes sent an empty box out of state.

Eric Trump, at the direction of his father, the future president, shifted money that was supposed to go to help kids with cancer to the Trump Organization.

Of course there is not paying taxes, and all those scams.

Virtually every organization Trump has run in recent years has been under investigation.

There are just so many and probably tons that we know nothing of.


I knew the guy was a con man all the way back during The Celebrity Apprentice. It was clear something shady was going on with the way all of the "charity donations" always had to be made out to Trump, Inc. Someone seriously needs to go back and revisit that. At the very least, he was funneling all of the donations through his organization so that he could claim the tax write-off for himself.

Then when he'd finally 'anoint' a winner, Trump would try and take credit for their ENTIRE career--as if none of these celebrities had ever earned any success on their own. He especially did this with Arsenio Hall. Trump spoke as if Arsenio would be absolutely nothing if it wasn't for him (Trump). What a little man, always trying to take credit for others' success while blaming everyone else for his failures.


Jeez! Skavau has taken over another thread. On and on an on and on!


Don't run for president and don't be wildly corrupt.


Wrong, they are corrupt.

Congress has been corrupt since 1871.

Congress and the 18th president committed treason.

Only three presidents since 1871 have tried to expose them.

One was assassinated, the second was shot at to get him back in line (he submitted) and they are trying to incarcerate the third one.


What does that have to do with Trump being corrupt?


Because he isn't.


Why didn't you just say that then? Why all the irrelevant schizo rant?


Because trying to make a point for TDS sufferers is not always simple with just three words.

Besides, all those points were very relevant.


Nope. How is he not corrupt? Did you miss the part about having a fake charity shut down or did you ignore that story?


I didn’t miss it since it’s just more anti-Trump propaganda as usual.

Oh, and those fines were legalized extortions by corrupt DAs and Judges.
