MovieChat Forums > Kristen Stewart Discussion > Why does she get so many roles.

Why does she get so many roles.

She is not a good actress. She really isn't. Any good actress will tell you that she is not a good actress.






A lot of people have a rigid view of acting. If you are not a chameleon actor then you are a bad actor. She is one of my favorite actresses because she brings this fresh authenticity to her roles compared to the controlled, unnatural rehearsed way most act. Certain directors might appreciate this authenticity. I don't work in the industry so I can only guess but she has been acting almost all her life so having a full resume is a good way to keep getting jobs and from what I've heard she is a pleasant easy to work with person.


'A lot of people have a rigid view of acting. If you are not a chameleon actor then you are a bad actor.'

I'm not a fan of Stewart but I agree with what you say here. There are plenty of actors I like who don't 'disappear' into roles, but who give enjoyable performances, are convincing, and who are a pleasure to watch.


I pretty much agree with you on Kristen's acting. She brings a lot of emotion and as you say "authenticity" to her acting. Especially shows in Indie movies which are often less glitzy but can be more character driven.


I think she is a good actor.


She is actually a very good actress, check out "Clouds of Sils Maria" or "The Cake Eaters" if you don't believe me...


Agree she can be a good actress, she was great in Spencer.


She's still got the Twilight rub and to be fair she has build up a rep as a good indie actress.

Unlike her Twilight co star Robert Pattinson, I don't think Kristen can do the mix of big blockbusters and indie/art house like he can. She still feels so out of place in bigger budget films.

Kristen in indie/art house films like Spencer, Personal Shopper, Still Alice, Love Lies Bleeding for example. They play to her strengths as a actress and in the end she ends up delivering a good performance.

I think she's a good actress if a director/writer play to her strengths.


Same reason any shitty actor keeps getting roles: she has powerful friends who con different film producers into hiring her.


Whoever runs Hollywood did a shit ass job establishing the celebs for the new generation. They went with K Stew and we're stuck with her.
