MovieChat Forums > James Franco Discussion > What happened with metoo accusations?

What happened with metoo accusations?

Is he still under fire?

Did he get em off his back? Or is his carreer over?


I’m not one to question sexual abuse allegations when I don’t know all the facts, but something smelled fishy about the claims against him, certainly.

I believe Jimmy Franco is a good guy. I think his career will be fine.


In what do you base your belief on? His late night appearances promoting his latest movie?


The fact that nothing has come of it, maybe?


What do you mean nothing came out of it? There's no verdict.


I obviously haven’t been keeping up 🤷‍♂️

Either way, I think I made it clear that it was just a feeling I had. I absolutely accept that feeling may be wrong and Franco has been a creep. Still not 100% convinced but I hope I’m right.


Is #metoo still a thing with BLM, Corona and the election all going on at the same time?


It’s taking a breather, along with climate change and Liam Neeson’s foot in mouth issues.


retard confirmed. yes man the entire scientific community is wrong about climate change because you saw a YouTube once say its a hoax.



I wouldn’t jump to conclusions if I were you.

I absolutely believe in climate change and the threat it poses. Maybe you just don’t do irony, but I thought it was obvious that I was making a joke about how every issue we face in the world has been overshadowed by the pandemic. That’s why I included the bit about Liam Neeson, to add context and show that I wasn’t being entirely serious.

Now would you like to call me a “retard” again? Particularly offensive term to anyone who might suffer a genetic chromosome disorder, that one, but I’m sure a clever guy like you knows that already. Or maybe not 🤔


I find the term 'clever guy' especially offensive. We prefer the term idiocy-challenged.


wow sarcasm doesnt translate over text. how dumb of me. try again "clever guy" who didn't even know a linguistic device that relies largely on tone wouldn't be picked up in text format.

Im sure a clever guy like you already knew that. or maybe not


Wow, someone really pissed in your breakfast cereal didn’t they django?

I suppose this is your form of thanks for me backing you up and offering support in your thread about the mods not modding. You’re welcome, I suppose.


Just ignore him. Some people are only here to argue and throw insults around.


Disappeared as soon as active Hollywood did. What a coincidence.


It's as if men can't abuse their power when they can't come into contact with women. How weird


For a man that was everywhere, he sure has been nowhere.


I guess, but why? Either he's guilty, or he's not.
And if he is, of what?


Well it's 2020. Guilty and accused is the same thing. He's definitely letting whatever it is die down. You telling me big mouth world savior Franco doesn't have something to say about this covid pandemic? We'd be hearing from him unless he's hiding.


Ahahah, yes that is a good observation. And the election too come on!


He must be tearing his hair out. That dude was a legit influencer.


His career is over. Casting him will cause a backlash. But then again, lots of men with accusations over their heads are still working. Even Polanski can find financiers for his movies, ffs!


The professional starf*ckers got paid, which is all they wanted.


they wanted extra.


Well, no, they also wanted to fuck him.


nothing , it was all bs


So has he been cleared?
It seems he has been canceled.


students in acting class sued him, and they settled , case went no where


That sounds like it went somewhere, if he had to settle.
I guess that is why he is cancelled.


nah, he's just got lots of cool underground ish in the works
