sadistic psycho

from the very first movies of his like the scene in reservior dogs where they cut the policeman ear. to the sick scene in inglorious bastards where they knifing someone's brain and rotating it. to the scene in django where they unleash a herd of dogs at someone. or the suitcase locking scene.

point been made. tarantino is a sick fuck who love of sadism and brutality




he also loves feet


wierd illuminati people like him love all kinds of sick shit


feet are sick shit in your opinion ?


well, its mostly sickos who are into this kind of shit. like dan schnider.


Not everyone can be a prude like you, why UMAD?


Pro Israel , sick fuck!


Fuck Israel


why do you idiots have to insert your anti-semitism everywhere?

the topic is tarantino sadistic tendencies. not fucking israel you deepshit


Quentin Tarantino Visits Troops in Israel to ā€œBoost Moraleā€ . The 'Pulp Fiction' director met with the Israeli Defense Forces following the attack and urged them to kill Palestinian children.: "A bright moment during a dark time."


The children, the children!!! *howling, howling"


little hypocrite american. why do you say nothing when america is bombing yemen,syria,lybia, and more with no provocation whatsoever? stfu about israel you fucking retard. israel has the right to defend itself. hamas were the ones who started this war you fucking idiot

your country invaded iraq and killed milion people under the false pretext that they had WMD.

you former president even had the balls to joke about that.

so fuck off!


Please fuck off yourself.
You only spread bad vibes.


Itā€™s a bit of a stretch to suggest that a filmmaker is into the violent behaviour of his characters, most of whom are villains. Is Spielberg a sicko for having people eaten by sharks and dinosaurs? Sam Peckinpahā€™s films are brutally violent, is he a ā€˜sadistic psychoā€™? What about Scorsese and all his murderous gangsters, or Wes Craven and his various killers? By all accounts these directors were/are well adjusted, decent people šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


i'm not saying he did it himeself. i'm just saying he loves it. and its sick. especielly the last scene in inglorious bastards. that was is like it was taken from some satanic cult

btw. just because thats a vilian does not mean i want to watch such sadistic shit and hear someone scream in pain. thats sick.

but apperantly tarantino the pshyco likes it


I love watching evil fuckers get what they deserve. If anything Landa got off lightly, this Nazi psycho would have entire families machine-gunned to death. Hearing him scream while our heroes cut a Swastika into his forehead is unpleasantā€¦ but hugely satisfying.

If you donā€™t like that it just means itā€™s not to your taste, it doesnā€™t make Tarantino nor any of the other ā€˜violenceā€™ directors I mentioned ā€˜psychosā€™.


ho really??? what about that scene then....?

you know that its not about the actual killing of landa. its about the method which is sick sick sick. he could have done it in many other ways


Landa isnā€™t killed, heā€™s marked. A very fitting end to that Nazi asshole.

Yep, the ā€˜ear sceneā€™ in Res Dogs is also fantastic. Really makes Mr Blonde into a chilling figure, and makes his death at the hand of our hero all the more satisfying.

I wouldnā€™t change a frame of these masterpieces.


his sneer always seemed slightly suspicious to me. like he was thinking in a derogatory way about something - I guess that's what a sneer is

enjoy most of his movies


It is QT's contention that...starting with Reservoir Dogs and now due to his fame and his box office success...he can return the movies to a "dangerous place" in content not seen since the days of the 70s at the movies -- from mainstream films like Deliverance(not that the man-on-man rape taboo of that movie sounds again with the Gimp scene in Pulp Fiction) to all sorts of grindhouse trash.

As a well-grown adult watching his films, I'm not personally offended by anything QT puts on the screen -- but I'm kind of sensitive to others who ARE offended. Its like: "too bad, I guess those folks won't be able to watch this movie." I put up with the sick scenes to get the greatness of the dialogue, the major star actors(who seem exhilarated to act in these outrageous scenes), the great look and big action of these films.

Though Jackie Brown has its share of killings -- mostly murders -- its easily the least violent movie in the QT canon. He was evidently respecting the middle-aged noir fan base of novelist Elmore Leonard.

But as for the rest -- anything goes -- and usually with one or two particularly "sick" scenes per movie.

Reservoir Dogs -- the ear scene(albeit the cutting is off screen, the results are ON screen.)
Pulp Fiction(the Gimp scene and what happens to Uma Thurman.)
Kill Bill 1: Uma's various slicings and dismemberments of victims, her fight to the death with the psycho schoolgirl.
Kill Bill 2: Uma's fight to the...something...with Darryl Hannah. (Darryl getting the contents of a chewing tobacco chaw bucket all over her face is worse than the violence)
Death Proof: The close ups on the carnage done to four female victims in their car by psycho driver Kurt Russell and HIS car(a tire crushing a woman's face, another's leg detaching from her hip due to the sheer force of the crash).



(Pause here: Kill Bill and Death Proof sure do gory things to women..but some men, too.)

Inglorious Basterds: The detailed scalpings -- sound and image. The lingering strangulation of Diane Kruger.

(Pause here: Inglorious Basterds sure does brutal stuff to Diane Kruger - she is strangled by Waltz some scenes after being tortured by Pitt.)

Django Unchained: The Mandingo slave fight to the death on the floor of a fancy lounge as the jaded whites watch; the dog's killing the one slave -- the big shoot out with blood bags bursting like balloons filled with Hawaiian Punch.

The Hateful Eight: Samuel' L Jackson's illustrated tale of torturing, raping and killing Bruce Dern's naked son in the freezing snow.
The poisoned coffee scene and what happens to Daisy Domergue in it (and later what happens to her when she is hanged -- another female victim for QT.)

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: A surprisingly non-violent movie for 90% of the running time -- QT without killings? Impossible! Indeed...a heapin' helping of most satisfying gore arrives at the climax for the fantasy destruction of the Mansons. (Two out of three of whom are women -- but in real life, these women were monsters who stabbed an eight-months pregnant woman with a knife.)

QT only has one film left(he says) but the comparative non-violence of Once Upon a Time suggests...he's mellowed. A little late.

QT akins himself to a heavy metal rocker --THAT's his real mind set, that's his audience. .

But it must be said:

In certain ways, he's basically a sick fuck.

In certain ways, a LOT of Hollywood people are...they just don't get to express themselves on film like QT does.

We in the audience who enjoy QT's films are sick fucks too. But that's OK. Its only make believe and he is such a GREAT writer.

Plus, as QT has raged more than once about his movies: "I put violence in my movies because ITS FUN, OK!!?"

PS. You know who else was a sick fuck? Alfred Hitchcock. Especially in his final years, with gory, sexulized killings in Psycho, The Birds, Torn Curtain, Topaz, and Frenzy. But ALSO in his "Hays Code" years of Lifeboat, Rope, Strangers on a Train, Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, The Man Who Knew Too Much 1956, and Vertigo.

QT felt that Hitchocck was hamstrung by the Hays Code and not violent ENOUGH. I'd say taken in the context of the more innocent times in which Hitchocck worked -- QT is wrong.
