MovieChat Forums > Kevin Spacey Discussion > He's still guilty in my not-so-humble op...

He's still guilty in my not-so-humble opinion

He's damaged goods now, no-one will ever trust that creep again.

I mean, look at his face! Isn't that the face of a sexual weirdo or what?


Yes. He is a predator. His career will never be repaired. However, he has already shot two movies since the allegations. One in Italy and a thriller called Peter Five Eight. I do not think the later will get distribution, which is fine because the trailer looked like a made for TV movie from the 90s.


I'm with you - he is creepy looking. I haven't followed his case but I believe there are multiple accusations. If in fact there are multiple accusations, by multiple accusers - it's hard to disregard it. Anyway, I don't see him ever being a force in Hollywood again. He might catch a bit part here and there, but he'll never get back to his halcyon 1990s.


That's just natural for most actors as they get older though. I mean he's in his 60's now. Costner is no longer the star he was in the 80's/90's, same with Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Carrey etc. Many of these big stars all had a hey day that they lost as they grew older. Only rare that actors can still be major forces into their 50's and onwards, like Tom Cruise I suppose.


look at his face

Now you have to post one of your pics as well. Come on, send some shivers down our spines...


He's strike three for me & should of been convicted but it is what it is & money talks to get that acquittal. The thing is Hollywood won't touch him with a 12 foot pole at this point..


You think the jury was bribed?


lol, or they were unwarranted accusations just for money. Or do you think you know better than the people that actually were part of his trial.


*should have


Acquitted but still guilty? That is quite a Catch-22 there.


He's canceled for all-time.


Are you saying I can’t watch Se7en. Usual Suspects. Wiseguy. LA Confidential. House of Cards. Baby Driver? Ever. Or new movies Control or Peter Five Eight?


No, I didn't say that. Go nuts on those. But I most likely won't.


Nah i watched L.A Confidential other day and the fact he is a creep only enhanced the film


Actually, I thought he was miscast for that one. Jack Vincennes is not a sleazy cop and Spacey didn’t play him that way. He was supposed to be like Dean Martin but Curt Hanson handpicked Spacey. One of the first actors cast for this movie. Russell Crowe excels in this and he didn’t think he could pay Bud. But the other movies Spacey plays in are really sleazy characters but ALWAYS smart. There is nothing like Se7en. Nothing can come close to this dark, slimy, magnificent movie by Fincher. But the very first one I saw him in was Wiseguy, when he played Mel Profitt. And there’s Usual Suspects. What a great movie. The best movie endings of all time are these two: Se7en and Usual Suspects. You can say whatever you want about him, but he’s a fantastic actor.


I thought the part where he has the change of heart and feels guilty for pimping out the young kid was played really well, other than that was usual Spacey.

My favourite in that film is Danny De Vito, it hit me what an underated actor he really is, because of how he looks and because he does a lot of comedy it's overlooked what a great charismatic actor he really is


This entire movie is great. It shows LA in the 50s and I love that you follow three cops each going their own way and each finding their answer to the Night Owl Murders dead or alive. In the book, the killer is announced in the beginning. And in this, you don’t know until Jack visits Dudley. Rollo Tomasi. I agree with you that Jack felt really guilty about using the kid, Simon Baker. It was sincere. I just loved Bud White in this. And Exley. I thought the two Australians stole the show. And Simon who is also Australian. DeVito was perfect.


Guy Pearce is extremely underrated, he is one of the few genuine character actors, everytime i see him in something he is never the same. Also picks quite interesting films. I want to see Ravenous.

James Cromwell is someone i really rate as well, 'That'l do Pig' still always gets me lol

Say what you want about Spacey he isn't a pedophile he might just be a bit sleezy but i am able dto seperate the two. I still watch Polanski films and he did one of the worst things imaginable but the work is undeniably brilliant. It's a real shame but sad truth is most brilliant minds are a bit warped, i mean look at all the old Greek philosophers and Sigmund Freud ect


Kevin Spaces is F I N I S H E D.


Let's determine peoples' guilt based on whether we like their faces or not. Logic.
