MovieChat Forums > Pete314

Pete314 (2472)


Not that woke... Ep. 1 Awful, just awful Ep. 5 Famke Jansen's... Enjoyable The Jessie James joke... Hayden Christensen... Telephone What was the motive? View all posts >


Hell, what an idiot. If he does not like the law he should leave the country. 🙄 Also unexplained: How do they think the aliens will slow down a capsule fired in their direction with the speed of light? It will be not that easy just to detect the damn thing. 🤔 It would be smarter to kill off humanity just one year before ETA. Who knows which useful technologies are developed until then? So you are saying: "My TDS caused me to write this idiotic post where I claim that I don't have TDS." You are running in circles. But yeah, keep Trump trending. There is indeed nothing to write home about the other guy... Am I allowed to decide by myself who my enemies are? I see them rather in the creepy WEF and its bootlickers. Unfortunately you are not that wrong. After <i>Hitch</i> Kevin James was confronted with a lot of lousy scripts and directors. Although he was really interesting in <i>Becky</i>. Not typecasted there... 😂 One correction: The USSR tried to install missiles in Cuba AFTER the US had installed missiles in Turkey. OMG, you poor guy! What about the pinky of a rubber glove? Tourette? View all replies >