MovieChat Forums > Stanley Kubrick Discussion > Anyone else thinks he is overrated?

Anyone else thinks he is overrated?

I realize this may be an unpopular opinion because he has a lot of fans, but why does he have a lot of fans?
Do they really like his movies and think they are that good or is it they want to look like hoity toity film snobs and just go with it so they don't feel embarrassed to their peers?

I dunno why everyone acts like every single one of his movies are great when he did some clunkers like the misogynistic Clockwork and Space is just really too long and boring and no one knows what is going on.

I get it that he put quality over quantity but sometimes quality is overdone where he is too much of a perfectionist that it became an obsession and it shows.

It is not wrong to hate any or even all of his movies, ya know.


He's overrated by trolls, which is what anyone should be considered when they use this term to describe legendary artists who revolutionized their art in some way.


This ^^^^


I like more than half of his movies quite a bit, so just based on me, I'd say he's rated about right. But when you consider that his big reputation, still going strong a quarter century after his death, is based on only thirteen feature films, he actually seems a bit underrated.


In some ways. He certainly wasn't perfect. At the end of the day you like what you like. Personally, I'm not a fan.


Extremely overrated, made some decent films and made some rubbish ones.

The Shining is a poor adaptation of a much superior novel, Full Metal Jacket is decent but falls short when compared to the likes of Apocalypse Now and Platoon.

His pretentious wanker fan boys are the worst though and make me thin he’s even more overrated than he is, as I’d every shot in every single film he ever did holds some fountain of meaning and is literally changing the world 🤣 they’re just insufferable


I actually think The Shining is one of his better films and that he is overrated. The novel is good but without some competent horror director to bring it to the screen we end up getting over bloated shit like that miniseries King wrote.


His pretentious wanker fan boys are the worst though and make me thin he’s even more overrated than he is, as I’d every shot in every single film he ever did holds some fountain of meaning and is literally changing the world 🤣 they’re just insufferable

I can't stand those clowns. The way they talk about The Shining is cringe inducing. They think it's some sort of puzzle left by God, I mean Kubrick (same thing though right?), for people to solve that will reveal some secret message. One of my favorite The Shining conspiracy theories is that Kubrick was trying to inform us that he personally filmed (and thus faked) the moon landing. They're completely bonkers.

One of the most eye rolling things I ever read was a post saying that he purposely moved furniture in the background of shots (example a chair is in the background of one shot then gone in the next) to subliminally mess with the viewer, to make them feel like somethings off. I was like have these gimps ever heard of goofs? That's what happens when you do a ridiculous amount of takes.

An extension of that is that the carpet pattern faces a different way after a cut. I saw someone say that was intentional because Kubrick was such a perfectionist that he wouldn't make a goof like that.

It's a cult.


So glad to see other people feel like this!

'God, I mean Kubrick (same thing though right?)'


'One of the most eye rolling things I ever read was a post saying that he purposely moved furniture in the background of shots (example a chair is in the background of one shot then gone in the next) to subliminally mess with the viewer, to make them feel like somethings off. I was like have these gimps ever heard of goofs? That's what happens when you do a ridiculous amount of takes.'

Most of this stuff with any other director would be a 'continuity error'. But Kubrick never makes those, right?


Most of this stuff with any other director would be a 'continuity error'. But Kubrick never makes those, right?

They really think he was infallible and that the sun shined out his arse.

I've no doubt he was meticulous and intelligent but he wasn't perfect and the way some of his fanboys talk about him is insane, you get the impression they think he was the greatest being to walk the earth. I'm not sure why or how he has managed to amass such a cult of personality.


'The Shining is a poor adaptation of a much superior novel'



Whether you like it or not his filming techniques became the standard for film making. So you have to respect him for that.


People like you say this shite all the time but without actually backing up these claims with evidence, what exactly in his films became the standard ?


Seriously watch 2001 A Space Odyssey and then watch Alien. The space scenes are filmed in similar manners. And then by the late 70s and early 80s all movies looked similar filming wise to 2001 Space Odyssey. I'm pretty sure later directors used his filming techniques. I know James Cameron did. Even if you think that's all bullcrap you have to at least admit he was ahead of his time.




Stanley Kubrick is indeed the most overrated movie director ever.

When his lunatic fanatic lovers say things such as "It's not Stanley Kubrick's job to entertain you" in response to his movies being boring and overrated, you know that his fanatics are as delusional as Stanley Kubrick himself.
